Information Needed


For a few years I have been having health issues. It all started when I was pregnant with my first child and happened to go for an eye test. The optician wasn’t happy with my field vision and referred me to an Ophthalmogy Clinic. The clinic determined that the optic nerves were swollen but put it down to be being pregnant , and that was that.

Recently I went for another eye test as I have been suffering from a lot of dizzy spells which i can only describe as a feeling of as though I were drunk. Again I have been referred to Ophthalmogy and after having an ultrasound on my eyes, have received a letter stating that I have lumps on the nerves near the brain (optic nerve). The consultant has suggested I visit my GP to arrange for an MRI, CT or Lumbar Puncture.

Visited GP last night and she isn’t sure what to do or why these procedures have been suggested. I honestly feel as though I am not being taken seriously.

Along with the dizzy spells and the feeling of pressure in my head I also have a few other symptoms such as tingling and numbness in my fingers, Back Pain, fatigue, bowel problems, sexual dis function, depression, shortened attention span , severe irrability and mood swings.

These symptoms have been with me for a good few years and I was initially treated for post natal depression which has progressed to depression however I don’t feel the medication is doing me any good.

Obviously I am concerned about the issued with the optical nerve and just dont feel I am getting the help needed. I have been informed that MS has many of the symptoms I have described and wonder if anyone could provide me with some information please. I am sorry for rambling on but not quite sure where to turn next.

I’m not as informed as other people on here, I’m sure they will reply when they see your message. The MS helpline is brilliant , please try that too xx


problems with the optic nerve can be a ‘isolated incidence’ and may never happen again.

On the other hand - optical neuritis is one of the first signs of ms.

You have other symptoms that could be linked also.

I would advise you go for the mri/lumber puncture and evoked potential tests… CT scans are not the best to pick up ms,

My advice would be to go to the gp and ask to be refered to a neurologist who can send you for these tests, on the advice of the optician/opthamologist.

Your optician is spot on here - well done to them!!! G.P’s don’t always know much about ms and symptoms but your gp should know why these tests have been recommended. Thumbs down for your gp! see another gp if you dont get refered to a neurologist.

My story (quick version!)… optical neuritis after the birth of first child. it was dismissed by my gp. After second child i got it again. sent for the tests mri/lumber/evoked potentials.

Diagnosis of ms.

I am in no way saying you have ms but you need to get the tests done to find out.

An early diagnosis of ms means you may be able to get onto treatment early which will help you in the long run.

Best wishes


Thank you very much for your advice. This trouble has all stemmed from the birth of my first child too. I intend going back to my GP and asking for a referral to a Neurologist , whereby I can leave it in their capable hands.

Many Thanks

Lisa x

Diagnosis can take a while Lisa, so try to be patient. They have to rule out other things first.

There are several illnesses that mimic ms with symptoms. The symptoms might be totally unrelated to ms so keep an open mind.

The sooner you see the gp for referal - the better, as appointments for tests can take a long time. Waiting for results can be long also.

I didn’t want to frighten you by my reply and thought twice before posting but your story mimics mine.

On a positive note - if this is ms - it has been caught early and starting medication in the early stages of ms has been shown to slow down the ms relapses in severity and frequency therefore reducing the damage done to nerve fibres.

Good luck


Hi Lisa, I will second Teresa on getting process started. My bout of ON was back in December. I had to wait till March for my neuro appointment, and my MRi is not till 22nd May. In my hospital the results take 6 weeks to get back to the neuro, so I may not know anything until July. So get that referral going and even better if the GP can arrange the tests direct alongside the neuro referral hopefully the process will be quicker for you. Leah :slight_smile:

Thank you for all of your comments. I went back to GP on Friday and the referral was being sent to a Neurologist at the Southern General in Glasgow that day. I know I may have a wait on my hands but hopefully the ball is now rolling. My GP doesn’t seem to be overly concerned by anything and I get the feeling that he thinks I’m wasting his time, but I have now being complaining about these symptoms for five and a half years with no positive outcome. Everything I mention seems to have an explanation in his mind like the fact that my fingers and toes go numb and that I get severe pins and needles in my hands…his explanation is the weather.

To be honest, even if it is MS, i will be relieved in a way that I finally know what is causing it all and that I am not going off my head !

Thanks again everyone, you have been very helpful.

Lisa x

Good luck Lisa! I really hope it is not ms… Trust your instincts and don’t let them fob you off. You know something is not quite as it should be.

I am glad to hear you have a referal and hopefully on your way to get some answers soon.

Most of us here have had gp’s that have made us think ‘it is all in the mind’ but you know your own body!!

My gp still scratches his head at my symptoms and my diagnosis was 9 years ago! lol!

Best of luck
