a few years ago I get a symptoms diagnosed as optic neuritis in my right eye (I went frst to hospital who didn’t ‘catch’ it, then went to my GP who referred me to Moorfields). A went back there a year later and was given the choice to keep coming back or not, so I chose not to. I also did not have a scan to detect MS or otherwise. I was told than I should go straight back if the ‘over-exposed’ (as I described it to them) eye returned and dischaged. The letter to my GP from Moorfields described a problem I cannot recall the name of now but I think is basically the light/‘star(s)’ that appear when you get over-heated - with me when out of breath or for some in the shower. I put fast fading lights appearing down to this and have not been back the GP despite the nuisance these caused intermittently over the past few years. However, last week I was walking quickly and basically that eye’s vision went white. Today I felt hungry, and the same. I also have numbness in my extremities. These I guess are symptoms of MS but I do not really know if they are or not. I do not want to waste GP time nor go through a scan if I don’t have to. I see that there are many threads on stress and one where the poster talks about being kept awake at night. My ‘first time’ came after I was kept awake (again) by troublemakers, and spent the night basically on the computer - I even thought this was the cause. So I am stuck. I have contacted the society and they said I should probably go back my GP (seeing that I am probably delaying…) but any adivce based on this would as I said be appreciated.
Your welcome!! Please keep coming on the forum won’t you. It helps to share feelings and have a good vent. Lots of lovely people on here, happy to offer support and share their experience’s. Noreen
Get on the DR’s nerves! After C.T scans etc, etc, my neurologist voiced his disbelief that an MRI scan hadn’t been done in 3 years of showing symptoms.
Had blood sugar and pressure checked at hospital, both fine.I have been referred back to Neuro-Opthamology. Appointment is in July! I guess this means I’m not priority/emergency but I’m finding it more difficult to ignore this over-exposure in my eye. Also I really need any financial advice (have contacted local MS branch but no answer yet) as it’s harder to ‘manage’ this and get on with things normally and I’m not sure if I should go to the JobCentrePlus, because I’m not sure at this stage what I can tell them! Really in limbo at the moment. Again, any advice from anyone who’s bee here or just knows what comes next really appreciated. Thank you.
the Jobcentre Plus deal with ESA too, so its worth giving them a call. They will take your application over the phone and let you know what will happen next. The assess you on your symptoms not just diagnosis. hope this helps and you feel better soon xx
Hello If your symptoms become more of a problem for you, go back to your gp. The Neurologist appointment would have to be brought forward. Why don’t ypu make an appointment with citizens advice… They will give you guidance with benefits etc. Take care Noreen
My local MS group still hasn’t got back so again I am grateful for any help. As you know this is very difficult to explain to people. I called the number to make an applicaton for ESA but told the operator I didn’t want to say I’m disabled as I don’t think I am and I don’t want to say I can do nothing but my options are rather limited. Symptoms come and go - I said, sometimes (seems a lot of the time now…) I am almost completely unable to see in my right eye (which affects overall vision/balance, leads to straining, then fatigue as well as being upsetting emotionally) but I can if allowed to mange things do some work, I’m sure. The problem is sometimes a bit of heat, breathlessness or stress sets me off - then I get more upset and that can make things worse. This situation isn’t really helpful either, uncertaintly about the future. So I haven’t made any claim yet and am a bit stuck. Just really unsure where I stand, what to do next.
Hello I suppose it depends on your definition of disability. Like I said in my previous message. Make an appointment with citizens advice and see what your options are. The more information you obtain, the more you will reduce youe stress levels…hopefully Good luck Noreen x
Is it your gp, that has referred you to the neurologist? Have you actually explained to your gp about all your symptoms and how bad you feel? If your one of these people who doesn’t like to bother the doctor, then my advice is to get over that one. Doctors get paid around 100 thousand a year to look after people like you and me. So don’t worry to much about him/her Take care
Yes, I am one of those people…My neuro appointment is in July, referred by hospital (who GP referred me to). Feel like I may be wasting people’s time at moment as I don’t know what it is, may not be MS, might be, don’t know. Am trying to bring appointment forward, will let GP know it’s affecting me daily now.