I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m a 33 year old mum who over the last 6-7 weeks has had a lot going on. It all started with leg and arm numbness along with severe pain. The pain I can deal with, I’ve had back pain for what seems like forever. A trip to the docs an because my bladder wasn’t working as it should she referred me straight to hospital. An MRI on the spine was clear so I was sent home with no explanation. A few days later my body returned to normal. Two weeks later a sharp pain behind my right eye then my whole right side went numb, I could actually feel it travelling up my body, was a weird experience. Another trip up to hospital an the doc sent me for a CT scan. The doc actually went with me which freaked me out a bit. That came back clear but he still admitted me to the stroke ward. The next day a consultant came round, I explained all my symptoms and he said I’d had a migraine!! Then referred me for a brain MRI.Ok he’s the professional but I didn’t agree with his diagnosis. Yet again I was sent home. While waiting for my discharge papers the numbness travelled to my left side. I told the nurses and after about an hour another doc came round. I told her what had happened an she left the room!! 30 mins later she came back and said she’d keep me in for observation but the consultant said it was a migraine so that’s what it was. I thought right ok. Getting out of bed was a nightmare and going to the toilet even worse. I couldn’t feel both legs so obviously they were shaking. At one point a nurse had to catch me I was that unsteady. Nothing more got said, nobody was listening to me. I went home and went back to my gp who upped my gabapentin. Over the next few days the numbness subsided, just coming and going on my face, ear, hands, arms, legs and feet. I then lost the use of my right arm. It was stiff and heavy, if I picked a cup up my hand started shaking to the point where I spilled my drink. A week later I could use the arm again but it was still stiff and not right. Then last week my week while at my mother in laws my legs just gave way. I couldn’t walk unaided, my hubby had to ring in work and have a few days off till I could at least walk unaided. Every time I put my right foot down its like my knee gives way. An it’s still the same today. I’m having what I call “episodes” every two weeks an I’m really scared. I have 4 young children under 8 and people don’t like me being alone with them. I know it’s because they care and they don’t want me collapsing I just feel so useless. My gp has referred me to see a neurologist in 3 weeks so at least I’m getting somewhere. The last time I went he even started talking about MS. He said I am showing quite a few symptoms. I just want to cry with the not knowing and feeling so useless. My brain MRI came back clear so where does that leave me. My hubby and family have been brilliant. Even the kids know mummy’s poorly so they help me. Like I said I just feel so useless and in limbo. The MRI’s clear so what now??
Hello Lozzy,
I don’t have any answers as I’m not diagnosed, I’m going through investigations myself. But I understand how scary it is to experience strange and unknown symptoms. Last summer I suddenly found myself hardly able to use of one hands/arm due to weakness and having to walk with a stick, so I can appreciate how frightening it can all feel. (These symptoms improved considerably over the few months following the episode.)
The good thing is you’re being referred to a neurologist, they’ll be able to assess you. If something like MS is suspected there are still things they can do in spite of the clear MRI. I had a clear MRI and my neurologist wants me to have a lumbar puncture. But of course there can be different reasons for symptoms that can be related to MS and the neurologist will be able to full assess you.
It probably feels like your appointment is ages away, but hang on in there and take care.
There have been people on here in the past who have had a lot of neurological symtoms with clears MRIs and been diagnosed with Functional Neurological Syndrome.
To be honest it does not sound like MS with a clear MRI and the fact that you seem to be having lots of numbness and issues in so many areas of the body.
It could even be something simple as a vitamin defiency.
I hope you find answers soon.
Moyna x