I’m a 32 year old female and another new one here not yet officially diagnosed.
If this isn’t limbo I don’t know what is.
Had Brain MRI, now waiting for first Neuro appointment
Anyone had similar back to front experience?
Thanks in advance for reading.
August last year woke up, felt off balance, put it down to late night and alcohol. Next day vertigo, No balance, cant walk, stand unaided. Walk in centre diagnosed Labyrinthitis (Away visiting family and stuck there for 2 weeks)
Then it changed.
Started to get on and off tinnitus, low whooshing like blood flow but not in time with pulse. Pins and needles in left side of chest when neck flexed, relieved by extending. Told due to tense muscles or anxiety by GP.
by November vertigo mild intermittent but balance and tinnitus still a problem.
Saw ENT January. By which time I was feeling almost feeling normal, Only thing noted was Nystagmus. Month later balance goes again so make follow up appointment.
In the time I waited the pins and needles spread to tingling/crawling feeling left side of my back. Severe spasms in my lower legs. A numb right foot for 4 days, pins and Pins and needles in my left hand.
Electric shock pains in my back and feet. chest pain, difficulty speaking (physically and finding words, understanding what people are saying) Difficulty walking, dragging my legs. The fatigue is horrendous.
By this time I knew my ears were not to blame and suspected MS as a possibility, but went to ENT anyway. They requested an MRI Brain.
Had MRI a month ago with results ‘suggestive of multiple sclerosis‘
A week after the MRI my thumb on my left hand started twitching, hand went into spasm, then numb for 2 days. I feel the chest tingling, electric shocks, and tingling in left hand everyday. Difficulty walking and fatigue has returned. Also had what I think may have been mild optic neuritis (my mum reminded me I had this pain in my eye severely about 8 years ago when a nasty flu type virus was going around)
I have a my first Neurology appointment at the end of July.
In the meantime what do I do?