Im new to this platform

Hello everyone im new here, i was diagnosed in 2019, im the only at home with ms and struggling to make people to understand, i was medically boarded and struggling financially…I’m 35 years old and have a 13 year old daughter.

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The one thing that helps me when I’m getting frustrated that people don’t understand your condition, change your mind set. If they really care about you and love you then they will do everything to understand what you are going through. Some days it is just someone to simply be there and listen. Maybe a lift to your hospital appointment?
Believe me it really helped me at the very beginning of my MS journey. I am only one year of being diagnosed. Best wishes to you x

In terms of financial strains, look into seeing whether you are in receipt of major benefits. No harm in asking for advice :blush:

Hi Emmy, medically boarded isn’t a phrase/ term that is used in the UK so I am guessing that you are in the USA, South Africa or similar?

The UK MS Society has local groups who meet up for drinks, socialising and so on , and also has a helpline for advice on finances, benefits etc. Do you have a similar national society where you are?