I would like advice...

Hey All,

I think i’m starting to get some MS type symptoms and not sure where to turn. I recently had two bouts of extreme fatigue that lasted for 3-4 days each and MS was mentioned by the doctor but disregared as the second time i had a temperature.

The main reason MS was mentioned was being of my strange walking gait, lack of balance and inability to hold things still that are small, it was worse during the fatigue but it has remained to a smaller degree afterwards, i notice things like i am unable to walk properly holding a cup of tea, i spill it over the floor. I have always been a regular down the gym so i know it’s not a strength or fitness issue, I have always been a bit unbalanced but it has gotten worse recently.

I have also noticed that occasionally, my fingers twitch when typing on the keyboard.

Any advice would be great,


Hi Safar,

I’m afraid it’s back to the doctor if things don’t improve, as that’s the only way you’ll get any closer to finding answers.

It’s unusual for a GP to mention MS, unless there were some quite strong indicators, so perhaps you need to remind them of this, and say that you don’t feel things have resolved successfully - could it be investigated further?

MS doesn’t usually cause a temperature, but having a temperature can make MS symptoms flare-up. So although the temperature might have meant simply that you had a bug, it wouldn’t absolutely rule out MS.

Do bear in mind, though, that there are an awful lot of conditions that can cause symptoms similar to those of MS, and some of them are quite easily fixed. So it may have been inappropriate of you doctor to mention something so serious, when other explanations are more than possible.

That doesn’t mean it should just be ignored, though. Hopefully, it won’t turn out to be anything serious, but these things can be quite tough to get to the bottom of, so you really need to be sent to an expert.

See if you can get the doc to arrange it.

Take care,


Hello and welcome Safar

A quick reply to agree with Tina - best to get a referral to neurology and get things properly investigated. It might turn out to be nothing more serious than a vitamin deficiency, but best to see an expert to be sure.

Good luck!

Karen x