I am new here

This is my first post I am 49 years old and started having pins and needles in my hands first thing in the morning about 2 years ago. I also have cataracts in both eyes which is unusual for someone of my age. More recently, I have experienced episodes of tingling and numbness in my arms and sometimes legs, With restricted movement and strength (grip), its like I’m temporarily paralysed, but its not permanent and my feelings return but it can take a day or once a week to regain full strength. I urinate more frequently than I used to. I’m concerned that I might have MS as I have many of the early symptoms. I have also experienced wobbles , nearly causing me to fall over. I went to a hospital after phoning 111, they did a brain scan as they suspected a stroke. Fortunately this was ruled out, but the CT scan revealed other brain anomalies that require further investigation. I was referred back to my GP, but all he did was refer me to a neurologist, and I’m awaiting an appointment near Easter. My GP offerred no other support or suggestions and told me to ignore my symptoms as they recover with time. In the meantime, after internet research , I’m concerned that I might have MS, and would appreciate other comments and advice. Im in limbo, awaiting my neurologist appointment and worrying about the future.

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HI Jayjolly and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry to hear of the symptoms you’re having; the ‘limboland’ thing is a difficult place to be in and one where we’ve all ‘done time’ as it were! If you go to the ‘undiagnosed’ forum you’ll find lots of folk in the same position as you are at the moment, and that may be useful for you.

You say that “all” your GP did was refer you to a neurologist - but that is really a very important part of the journey towards diagnosis (WHATEVER that diagnosis may be). Your symptoms MAY be because of MS, BUT they could also be caused by all sorts of other reasons, so please don’t think that MS is a foregone conclusion… and if you DO end up with MS being confirmed, you will cope with it - honest! There are some amazing people on here who have been living with MS for many years and are still able to enjoy life. The GP telling you to ‘ignore’ your symptoms maybe sounds a little harsh, but perhaps he was encouraging you not to focus on the difficulties - I remember something similar being said to me and I believe my GP was seeking to be supportive, so maybe yours was too…

Sending hugs,


The neurologist referral seems to be a step in the right direction. I’m in a similar position, completely new to the possibility of MS but my GP has referred me to a rheumatologist for some reason, although it is for tests for MS, MND etc. It does sound a bit unhelpful to tell you to ignore your symptoms but is there anything a GP can actually do before you’re assessed? Mine prescribed anti inflammatories for my spasms but that was all. I haven’t been able to pick the prescription up yet so cannot even say whether they are helpful. I don’t get the tingling that you experience, although I’ve often heard of that being a common MS issue. It is a scary time, I can sympathise!

Hi and welcome aboard the good ship MS, HSP (me), CIS, Fibromyalgia and other related condtions!

Your GP has done what we`d hope for. ie got a referral off for you.

Mine didnt know what else to do, but did supply sick notes for work!
