Hi 👋 new here

Hi,my name is viviane. I come from HK and moved to Uk around one month.
Nice to meet you all :blush:


Hi hope your well I have ppms what do you have

I have RMS
I have new symptoms after my second dose vaccination . I’m not sure it is good for me to have booster😥

hi lovely to meet you. I lived in Hong kong in 1973 for 3 years. I loved it there. miss it too.
my second daughter was born there.
I hope you stay around as this is good supportive group.

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Welcome Vi. Good to have you aboard!

Heey in nerve pain what will help me

Hey not to keen on getting vaccine but at a point think we all go a have to

Hi Viviane

Nice to meet you.

I hope English weather will make or already is making difference to your MS symptoms as many of us do not tolerate heat that much.

Best wishes