Hi All; and anyone ever had FES?

Hi All and hope you’re all doing OK.

Am on school run at mo so will post more later, but has anyone any experience using Functional Eletrical Stimulation (FES) to get their limbs working properly? Was offered recently and it didn’t work out…

Take care,


Hi CP - Have not heard from you a while.

I have an FES and it works well for me if the spasticity in my calf is not too bad. But if spasticity plays up then it prevents the foot lifting when the foot is stimulated. To be honest I like to use it to exercise my foot when I am watching TV.

I have just been and had HSCT in Mexico and am doing really well afterwards and walking has improved a bit so am using the FES less now.

Why did the FES not work for you ?

I once had acupuncture and the did electrical stimulation a couple of times and it didn’t help me but give it a try. Good luck with it.


I know they don’t suit everyone as the Dr who recommended I try one apparently hates them (told by his colleague when I first asked about it), it was a surprise when he said it might suit me! I was sent to my local therapy centre, they recommended I get a dual channel one and so had to approach my GP, he then wrote off to Oddstock but I didn’t hear from them. A lot was going on and then I retired from work, so I didn’t really see the need for trying to get an even more expensive version, of an expensive ‘standard’ gadget when I’d need to tape at least 3 electro pads taped to my leg and wear shoes for the trigger to be used… I didn’t chase it as I knew I wouldn’t get a lot of use from it.

However, I’ve kept hold of the battered one the centre loans me to exercise my hamstring (I actually have to put a bit of cardboard under the battery so the circuit connects).

It did help with my footdrop when I was working and able to get about with just a stick, it really would seem a waste and a massive hassle to use one daily when I’m at home and need crutches now.

Sonia x