help needed please

hi all,

Currenlty in limob after 4 yrs of symptoms.

Had tests recently-another mri, lp and more bloods which I hope to get results of next week.

Anyway after feeling generally rough after lp and after struggling in work for a while with numb and painfull arm and heavy, curling in feet and legs the gp has given me a sick note for a few weeks.

I’ve been with company for over 10 yrs an only been on sick 3 times, with 2 of those needing a sick note- 8yrs ago after operation and 3 yrs ago when struggling with numb hand.

I feel almost guilty for having time off and maybe feel I could struggle into work now.

My problem is I cannot afford to loose my job, or have any time unpaid- curently entitled to 12 weeks full pay.

If I were to get a dx soon - would I need more time off? when in hosp having lp saw some px in having soem medication for ms and having to stay in for a while??

I know that you get some type of allowance for sick when dx, but how does this work when you are not dx?

An help would be great as you can see, I’ve no previous experienc eof being on the sick and do notwant to jepadise my job in any way.

A diagnosis of MS automatically grants protection from the Equality Act. As far as I know, this law means that employers cannot count hospital visits, medical appointments, time off because of relapses, etc, as sick leave or annual leave.

The people you saw in hospital would probably have been there because they were having IV steroids or Tysabri infusions. Tysabri is a DMD that is given monthly in hospital so people may need a day or half day off work - employers have to allow this and cannot penalise the MSer because of it.

As far as now goes, please take the time off. Your GP does not believe you should be working and it certainly sounds to me like you shouldn’t. Lots of rest, as little stress as possible, lots of “me” time, etc, are much more likely to help your symptoms improve than struggling to work! There is absolutely NO reason to feel guilty about being off either. It’s not like you’re making it all up!

Does your company have an occupational health department or person? If yes, then it might be a good idea to get in touch with them and find out exactly where you stand as it is, if you are to be diagnosed with MS and if the neuro is unable to make a diagnosis after these tests and you have to stay in limbo a bit longer. If no, then it might be worth calling Access to Work. They may be able to advise you. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau is another possibility.

Karen x

Thanks Karen - really nned to try to get my head around it all. The consult said she thought it may be ms, as too does gp and optician. But dreading next week- think they are going to say nothing conclusive still an dbe left in limob.

My gp will not prescribe anything to help until i get a dx.

I hate not knoeing things and am usually really organised so this is cracking me up!!

Will look into works OH, is there usually a time frame to be seen by them- i.e will I hav eto have been off for any lenght of time before they ask me to be seen?


Hi bethrr You have full employment rights as you have been with your employer for 10 years, so your job is in jeopardy under employment law. Five weeks before you drop to half pay, you are entitled to claim contribution based ESA which can be up to nearly £100 per week. You are also entitled to claim DLA based on the symptoms and the difficulties they cause. Neither benefits rely on diagnosis. Claim as soon as you can, because in my experience, financial problems merely exacerbate stress and therefore impact on the symptoms.

Thanks- Did you mean to say though that my job is not under jeopardy? I will look into ESA and DLA, but really don’t know where to start??


Yes, I did !! Bloomin dodgy hand and numb fingers !! So sorry. Your job is NOT in jeopardy. ESA …telephone 08000556688 DLA…telephone 08457123456

Hi Bethrr

I have booklets that my union e-mailed to me to help with ESA and DLA claiming if you are having difficulty, I can forward them to you if it would help. As far as I’m aware, your employers must accommodate you. I’ve been off for 9 months now and have just been given a 12 month sick note and still have a job even though I can no longer do the work I used to, I was a nurse in a nursing home. If you have a union get in touch with them, you’d be surprised at all they can do for you.

Good luck

Min x