Hi everyone! Long time since I was here. My old laptop wouldn’t play with the new system, so I am now using a new tablet.
I’ve had PPMS for 24 years. It progressed very quickly and I had to go wheelchair full time within 3 years. This last 2 years have seen further progression, where my hands are unwilling to behave!, Eating is difficult…but I need to lose weight anyway!!!
How’s everyone else doing?
Blues xx
Falling apart lol. Just keep going its all i can do. xxx
Hi zPP
Hi I too am A PPMSER with quick progression to full-time wheelchair user and cannot express my dissatisfaction enough… 5 year’s since my diagnosis and already struggling with the challenges Ms gives me virtual hugs to you
Hi Cruella, are you on ocrevus? I cant have any DMDs as I have had PPMS 24 years, but it took 22 to diagnose it!
Fun innit!
Hi no not on ocrevus!!
new neuro not very complimentary either!!! but since I am now a full-time wheelchair user…I wouldn’t qualify… No DMTs FOR PPMS apart from either. I’m always amazed at how long people have endured…
5 year’s in and I’m wondering what is going on with us here… How have you managed for so long? I genuinely praise you… I know I couldn’t… This forum is great to see others having same issues yet Dr’s seem unwilling to me? Perhaps I’m wrong anybody is welcome to join in… I have become a really moany person since PPMS arrived and is showing me its power… X
Hi Cruella, cheers for your reply.
You ask how I cope…well I dont have a lot of choice. To be honest, my natural bubbly personality has pulled me through. But I have to
say, this year has defo been the worst. The uti, problems with left arm and hand have really got me down.
A few months ago I wondered if I could go on. Had emotional breakdown…found my way through by becoming a Christian! Not an intentional act, but it happened to me in quite an amazing way!
Without it I cant imagine what would have happened?
Having good carers is a boon. I need 24/7 looking after. That’s a bind, but it is what it is eh?
Mmmmm I am interested in learning more about being Christian I have Christian beliefs myself… This type of MS is horrific… I think my significant other who is also my carer deserves credit and it is my intention to live as well as possible for now… Having M S was never even thought of. I do wonder why and is it a test? Xx