Hello beautiful people

Hello everyone
I have got diagnosed 1.5 month ago and started treatment 2 weeks ago. I have also been diagnosed with Stargardt dieses in my eyes on top !! Feeling very overwhelmed and scared from the unknown and for my 3 little children.

This was me in January. I had a bit of a breakdown about the unknowns and doing the right thing with treatment etc. I am now starting to feel the benefits of the treatments for example hardly had a headache, which was unheard of before. I have 2 children aged 10 and 6 and it is definitely normal to feel scared. All I can say is, for me it does pass and you just learn to live a new normal. I hope this is the same for you. Sending hugs your way x

Hello) I’m new here :blush:

Hello p.timmis and a big welcome to this forum where everyone tries to help if they can.
Being overwhelmed is totally understandable and please know things will settle down and you will find yourself in a new/different way of living but hopefully thinsg will be alright in time.
Much Love

Glad thing have settled and you are feeling a bit better, it’s a new “norm” that takes time to adapt to.
Much love

Hello and welcome mia.davis
I am not always on this forum but rest assured the lovely people on here have been great at helping out in my times of need(a lot of times.)
All my love