Today I went to see GP about the results from last MRI.
He started by saying that the most recent letter was literally 3 lines which said that they had found one new lesion (in head) when compared with the first scan in January 2011 and the spine scan was unremarkable.
He then went on to show the history - going backwards, the letter before said that symptoms were consistant with Multiple Sclerosis so sending me for more scans (results above).
The letter before stated the results of my LP which said there were ono’watsit’ bands (don’t know the full word lol) which the GP said was caused by protein in spinal fluid, but blood test was normal, also that field vision tests showed I had an enlarged blind spot.
The letter before that a stated that my first MRI and VEP tests showed signs of demyelation but wanted to send me for LP to be sure.
So he concluded that very useful appointment with that it would seem from those results that I have MS and wished me luck for my appointment with Neuro on 22nd.
I just feel rather numb - kinda was expecting it but thought it might not be actually true and my symptoms were either in my head or caused by something simpler, but the fact that my second MRI shows progression albeit it by only lesion makes it seem more serious in my eyes
I am assuming that this is not an official diagnosis? Do I tell neuro that GP has suggested this from reading the letters from him? I also noticed that my appointment with my neuro on 22nd is not in the normal neuro outpatients but in the neuro daycare clinic which I found a bit worrying…
Any thoughts on all of this would be appreciated because all of this is getting a bit ‘real’ now.
Thank you guys xx