Hi There
Really just want a little advice as dont like constantly going to see GP …Feels like we are constantly moaning.
A year ago i was diagnosed with CIS probable MS… Constantly having pins and needles in my feet and right hand and i know why that is thanks to Rizzo who kindly explained my MRI results. Anyway over last week i have been slowley getting
tired and taking very short dizzy spells only lasting seconds but stopping me in my tracks. Its nothing major but do i go see my GP or just continue as if this is normal. What i can remember when i took my first episode this was one things that happened. Anyway besides that want to thank everyone on here not that i comment much but the support and advice you all give each other is fantastic and makes people feel we are not alone…
Ohh i also had a visit last week from socila work who are getting me a new banister on the stair to help me getting up and down and also putting a hand rail in shower for me to hold onto getting in and out shower … I can still do these things but do struggle…
Anyway just wanted a little advice which you are all good at
Mandy xx