Going Private and seeing

Dr R Mills from Preston, just wondering if anybody has been to see this consultant? Organised this out of pure frustration of being pushed from pillar to post. I rang a private hospital to book the appointment direct myself an they confirmed it would be best to see my doctor and get a referral faxed over from him. So of I trotted to the surgery and whilst I was sitting there my lips where tingling and my cheeks where going numb along with cloudy vision. When I sat in front of my doctor and mentioned the current symptoms he just said , Oh yes you have had these before, and said nothing more, this re-assured me I was doing the right thing referring myself. He did say I was a little naughty and said I should not have been able to self refer and asked how I found him, which I thought was odd. Its costing £150, which is cheaper than I thought. Spoke to Occupational Nurse at work this week as my manager and HR refferred me to, and I thought it was to arrange phase return and work adjustments but it was not, she has declared me unfit to work, and its this that has also prompted me to go private. Because now, my work place beleive there is something very wrong too, which is frightening me. I think I need to know so I can stop talking about it and give my family a break and for me to get on with thinks, I hope this makes sense to others out there. your comments are always appreciated. x

Hi My husbands family all live in and around Preston. He’s at work right now but when he comes home at lunchtime ish I will ask him to ring around and ask, if you like? Catherine

If you look on the “Near me” section on this site, it will tell you who the MS specialists are in your area. You don’t have to see an MS specialist first of course - a general neurologist is often more sensible - but it can be better to make sure that the guy you’re seeing doesn’t specialise in unrelated conditions such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Karen x

thanks Karen and yes please Mrs H

Ok. Will do. It might help if you let me know the clinic / hospital.

He works at Preston Royal, but I am seeing him at a Private Hospital consultant rooms at Beardwood (BMI) hospital in Blackburn

Waiting for replies to various texts…let you know soon as…

Hi No, nothing. Hubby’s relatives have asked around friends and work colleagues and no- body has heard of him. Sorry.