Ginelia. Anyone on this whom had Tysabri??

Hi MS peeps.

I’ve been on Tysabri for just over 5 years. Many say that this is a miracle drug and I’m in agreeance.

my last relapse what December 2010.

I’ve now got the opportunity to switch on to Ginelia, daily tablet.

Anyone on this it know someone on it?

I’d like to hear people’s opinion before I take, what is to me, a big FREAKING decision.

I’m at Salford Royal today if anyone, by chance bumps in to me.

i know the staff at SR so u may see me being very familiar.

it’d be wonderful to hear from others with experience or awareness of this drug.

thank you,

Dave Parker

Apologies it’s Gilenya

Hi dv

welcome to the forum , It maybe better to put this thread on everyday living, as with ppms there is no medication that we can take, but on that board lots of people have taken dmt’s and would be able to advise.

Pleaase don’t think you are on the wrong board…you are very welcome here, just trying to help you get advice.

Pam x