Hi Stewart, Hope you are well. Could you please take a look at the post marked for Stewart or/and Mods’ as it’s a bit worrying? Many thanks Janet x
Would it be OK to give a link to my web app? I have been working on it for the last year and a half.
I have now pretty much finished it.
I was diagnosed with MS last year and I have been out of work for two years.
I would really appreciate it.
Many thanks,
Hey Adrian,
Very nice of you to ask. Of course you can.
I’ve tried to make my first post on here (a new thread), when I go to my profile it shows that I have posted it, but it hasn’t appeared in the forums and it’s something I really need help with. Sarah xx
Hi Stewart,
Thanks for that. This is my web app, http://www.iwana.co.uk. If you could give it a click, see what you think I would be really grateful.
You can use it to post small jobs i.e. if you want a gardener, taxi driver, plumber, private tuition, etc.
I have an idea for my next project which would be a mobile app for MS. Once I have started I will be asking for some input.
I was also thinking of doing the forum as a mobile app? Are you thinking of doing it yourselves maybe? What do you think?
Thanks a lot for letting me post it.
My comments are being queued for approval before posting. Have I done/said something wrong?
Hi there
Please don’t think I am moaning, because this forum has been a great help and support for me over the past couple of months, and I think all you mods do a fantastic job.
However, I have found that I can no longer post new threads. I have tried 3 times now over the past 2 days to post a new thread in te ‘Newly Diagnosed…’ section, and all 3 posts are showing on my profile but are not being published. I seem to be having no problems posting replies on existing threads.
I wonder if someone could just have a look for me and let me know if there is a problem.
Many thanks
It’s probably pointless posting this, but I take back what I said about being able to reply to existing threads, as I don’t seem to be able to do this either any more…in which case this post won’t be read anyway!
Ah, seems as if I can reply to existing threads now, but none of my 3 attempts at a new thread have been published!
Mornin all Have’nt been back on here for a long time…its changed!! I’ve missed it all… fed up of bein on my own 24/7
This site is a joke! I use other forums no probs, here they don’t post it, just send you a snotty ill worded message, spam is part of life, yet it does not kill off forums like this one. It’s hard enough with MS without making a post into an epic.
This is my first contact with the MS online community and it probably will be last, thats if this even gets past Stuart…
Im still posting and being held for moderation been on the site over a yr and never had this.
5 posts tonight 3 qued last week i tried to reply to someone after 5th time of typing the reply a big 100 word 1 to , i gave up
i just hope they don’t think it was me being rude to them but it’s starting to grate abit now as im copying it from word & saving
a reply & keep trying each day & delete it when & if it appears , sorry to gripe admin but tis a tad frustrating
all the best sheep
my recent new thread is listed as unpublished, any reason why?
Freckles x
Hi, I can’t send a private message. The link on the person’s post takes me to the MSS front page.
If you could help, that would be excellent.
Thought it was just me having problems : /
Hi Folks,
Another private message problem, but not the same one. I’ve stopped getting e-mail notifications of them. I usually look in several times a day anyway, so would probably see them, but it’s nice to be notified, just in case. I wouldn’t like anybody to think I was deliberately ignoring them.
I’ve checked my profile settings, and notification is definitely still enabled. Also checked my spam folder, in case Gmail’s spam filter suddenly decided they were spam. Nothing there either.
Any ideas?
Hi Stewart,
I was in my 3rd year at uni when my problems started so I know and appreciate what you guys are going through. So I can only take my hat off and applaude the hard work you and your team are putting into solving this ever growing menace.
I can only say the same as everyone else is trying to say.
Hi guys,
The problem is if they are trying to protect us from recieving any spam. This is a tricky area in which they are working at the moment.
They can either lower the security in which everyone will get all their emails but will recieve countless amounts of spam each day. Or on the other hand the option they have chose is to crank up the security this is a pain which lets through nothing.
Until then what we could do is what I did is announce on the forum to the person that you have sent a private message.
That way it gives Stewart and the team a bit of time to sort the problem out while keeping private messages private.
I forgot to say I was a 3rd year student studing for a Degree in Computing.