Hi everyone, this is my first post although I’ve been reading the forum and website for a while now to gain some understanding of what is happening to me!!
I wanted to seek some advice…I’m a 37 year old male and for the past few years, I’ve not been my usual self. A few years ago I had a spell of about 4 months experiencing the craziest dizzy spells, chronic fatigue, odd and extremely disturbing burning sensations on my face and around my eye, tingling/numbness all over my body, lack of coordination, crazy shooting pains in my neck, constant headaches, the dreaded hug, regular stumbling, tinnitus, a completely numb big toe (!) and much more…my GP referred me to a neurologist, who has been great…over recent months I have had an MRI showing multiple lesions on my brain (none on spine), spinal fluid showing O bands and a positive VEP test.
Since my original symptoms, I’ve also had two further attacks along similar lines, although new symptoms include a constant feeling of being spaced out, not being able to sleep, severe pins and needles in both arms, regular ‘cold waves’ throughout my whole body, joint pain and my mood being continually up and down, which is totally unlike me.
The General Neurologist feels that I have MS and having done lots of research, I’m certain that I have it too, god damn!
I’ve now been referred to an MS Specialist Neurologist at The Walton Centre, Liverpool and have my apt next week. I’m really keen to get some sort of treatment as soon as possible as I’m concerned that one of these attacks will damage me for good and quite frankly I love my life too much to let it effect me
Having read lots of stories, mainly from this forum, I’m worried that the MS Neurologist may say that there isn’t enough evidence to officially diagnose me with MS and will therefore state that ‘we’ll see how it develops’…I really don’t want to remain in limbo as I want to remain positive, take this head on and get it sorted as best as it can be.
Do you think that there is enough evidence to officially diagnose me? Does anyone have any experiences similar to the above? Is there any advice you would offer for when I have my MS Neuro Apt?
I’m a really active and positive person, but must admit that this has been a real struggle! Thanks for taking the time to read