My NHS MRI appointment has arrived - yay! I shouldnt be so excited by this but it’s a massive sense of relief to know that the next step in the long journey is due to be taken on 10th April.
I’ve been off work with Optic Neuritis since Jan 30th and my referral from the eye clinic was 10th Feb so two months from then is MRI and I reckon its going to be another two months before I see the consultant so mid June (the Notts consultant has referred me back to Derby so that everything is done there) - is that realistic a realistic time frame to work with or am I kidding myself? I’m going to attempt work next week - only part time, mornings, but Im hopeful that I can manage at least that.
Good luck to everyone else on their diagnosis journey.
Thanks Carole that’s pretty much the stage I am at regarding diagnosis, if I do have ms, I’ve had it a while and can expect more weird things to happen, if I don’t have ms then I’ve just had some really random ailments and might or might not have some more. Nothing really changes I suppose. I would like to be at peace with it all, fully, and be able to explain to myself what’s going on rather than always being “run down”. I need a limbo label
It is another guess whether you or GP receives results before seeing Neurologist. To be quite honest its best if you don’t; even GP will interpret them different from a Neuro; they are the people with the expertise.
What I do advise is you purchase a copy; about £10, perfectly legal under the Freedom of Information Act.
Only a neurologist can accurately read an MRI. And only a neurologist can either diagnose MS or rule it out. Or of course order further tests if it’s unclear.
So, I would expect that unfortunately you’ll have to wait for your appointment in June. But that does seem to be a long way off. You could try phoning the hospitals appointments team and seeing if they can move your appointment to one a bit sooner. Or phone the neurologists secretary and ask him/her if it can be moved.
thank you - I did ask at the time about a copy but the lady didnt seem to know where I could get that from, so I’ve not researched it. I am in the process of changing employers so I havent gone down the route of asking for anything to be changed for me, but if I do get diagnosed then I will certainly look for some support.
It’s a good point about not getting a different interpretation and waiting for the neurologist, thank you!