Finally joining the club


I joined a while ago as an undiagnosed person but with very obvious MS symptoms and yesterday after a trip to a&e with my second relapse post birth I was finally diagnosed. The feelings of frustration that I wasn’t diagnosed earlier are for another time and maybe something that is just one of those things. Thankfully I have started a course of steroids to halt this latest attack and am awaiting a Neuro appt to hopefully discuss a very overdue treatment plan. I feel oddly relieved that now I know it wasn’t in my head and I can at least try and get well and stay well for as long as possible. :blush:


Sorry to hear about your diagnosis although I’m glad that this means you’ll be able to start some treatment soon.

Could I ask about the diagnosis in A&E? It seems unusual, I was wondering who you managed to see/did they do an MRI?

Well my goodness, that’s a change from the terribly frustrating time you have had. Not great news, but it probably doesn’t come as a great surprise to you.

I hope that the steroids do the trick and that get on a DMD soon.

Do you know in the panic I never really knew who he was, I’m suffering terribly with anxiety I don’t know if it’s brain thing or a new baby thing :woman_facepalming:t2: it said it on my my latest mri results basically all the lesions were constant with the disease so why Neuro never followed it up. :woman_shrugging:t2: It was requested by the maternity department because I lost all bowel and bladder control after my C-section so maybe that’s why. Thank you for your kind words fingers crossed it doesn’t take too long to get started.

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Hi yes thank you it’s been three long years of uncertainty, got to admit I’m not a fan of the steroids lol but I’m grateful for them. :blush:

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I’m sure things are busy enough for you with a new baby but this is something that is now under more control so let’s hope this is a positive step in the right direction.

Hi @Fatgirlthin83
I remember it took about a year b4 I was dx RRMS, it took almost a decade for me to finally decide to start on my first DMT, it’s been a long drawn out process but I feel it’s not made much of a difference tbf.

Yep steriod will help speed up the recovery from a relapse/flare-up, although I learned you will naturally recover albeit taking longer without the steroid, I find I’m quite jittery and jumpy straight after having a course of prednisolone. 🫨

Thank you so much it’s been a horrible few months loss of bowel control, sepsis and cellulitis plus this fresh attack it’s really made a should be special time quite difficult. Onwards and upwards :smiling_face:

Thank you for your comment it’s been three years in the making but I’m trying not to dwell on the missed opportunities. I’ve often read your comments and admired your pragmatic approach to life with MS.

I’m day two into it and I feel very jittery and on edge, I’m also having night terrors I’m assuming from the stress. I was advised to have iv steroids but family life is such that made it impossible.

Glad you have been diagnosed and can access the help now! Postpartum is hard enough without unsupported relapses. I am expecting my second child in February then am starting DMTs straight away. I look back on a lot after my first child and my postpartum symptoms and can not pinpoint if maybe some of it was a flare up.

Take care and be kind to yourself.


Hi thank you for commenting! Congratulations too! Have you found your symptoms subsided? Mine definitely improved and luckily too as I wasn’t allowed to take gabapentin. I had my first proper ms attack after my third child which started this journey and after this one I had a mini flare alongside having sepsis. He’s three months now and this is attack came on over the last week or so. Easier said than done but be kind to yourself if you are blessed to have a support network do use and abuse. Hopefully
you can start treatment soon after to lessen the chance of relapse :smiling_face:

Crumbs, you have been in the wars. I hope that you start to feel well and strong again soon.

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