Hi everybody! I have finally got my date for my lumbar puncture on the 20th of feb. In a way i am glad to get it over and done with… then again not looking forward to it! To top it all off i pulled a muscle in my back last week which is soo bad. I went to my gp who is lovely and she gave me some tablets to help but they make me sick but help my back so i will keep taking them. just looking any advise or tips of things to do it make the whole thing a bit better to cope with. Also how long does it normally take and how long do u normally have to stay after? Thanks, charlene
Hi, I’ve never had one but just wanted to wish you luck! L x
Hi Charlene Takes about 10 mins for procedure and then you stay lay flat for an hour afterwards, drink plenty of full fat coke after , coffee . I mean litres of the stuff and try and lay flat and relax when you get home for as long as possible. You’ll be fine the thought of it is far worse than actually having it done Take care Gray xx
Hi bean!
No advice, I’m afraid, as I’m having mine on Tuesday, so know exactly how you are feeling!
My appointment letter says I’ll there for 5 hours!! I’m sure that’s not right, but that’s what it says. The only thing I can think of is that I’m also waiting for an appointment to have evoked potential tests done at the same hospital, so am wondering if they may be planning on doing both in one appointment.
Really not looking forward to the LP, but just want to get it done and out of the way.
I have an afternoon of balance tests booked for the following Monday, so am really hoping I don’t get the delayed headache… don’t want to have to cancel them.
I’ll let you know how it goes, bean xx
Hi Bean
I feel your pain.
I am/ was due to have a lumbar puncture this week but last last Saturday I pulled a muscle/ injured my back and I was forced to cancel my appointment. There is no way I can even lie still or sit down at all at the moment, so having a needle stuck in my back isn’t going to happen for a while for me.
Hope you recover soon.
Good luck Bean x
Hi everyone! Thank you for your replies thanks gray i will buy lots of coke! Number08 and purpledot i hope your lumbars go well and when i get mine done i will post an update! Thanks for all the luck everyone i think i will need it! P.s number08 hope your back gets better soon x Thanks again, Charlene x
Hi bean, lumbar punctures in my experience are really not as bad as we expect, and you will be given all the relevant info from doc who performs procedure and nursing support whilst your there im sure. Sore back, bad heads are a probable so if your prepared then you can manage them. I had seven on same day and i can honestly say if id listened to all the people who told me they were awful id prob never got on table. But I did cause there cant be much they do to us thats as bad as the way we feel while we are trying to get the answer to all that’s happening to our bodies. Take care and {{{{big hugs}}}}? to all who are waiting for an answer Joy xx
I had one last year and didn’t need to lie down or drink afterwards, she said they used a new thinner needle to prevent headaches. Only thing was that hit a nerve which was one of the risks. I nearly hit the ceiling. But despite this I would say it still wasn’t as bad as I had built it up to be. I’m sure you’ll feel the same. Just don’t think about it until you’re in there. X
I had one last year and didn’t need to lie down or drink afterwards, she said they used a new thinner needle to prevent headaches. Only thing was that hit a nerve which was one of the risks. I nearly hit the ceiling. But despite this I would say it still wasn’t as bad as I had built it up to be. I’m sure you’ll feel the same. Just don’t think about it until you’re in there. X
Thanks joy and mamma really reassuring to hear! I think the thought of it probably is worse than getting it done. I can always ask them to stop if i am not happy lol. Thanks again, charlene
Hi Bean
Hope your back is feeling better, mine is starting to sort itself out.
Don’t know if you are doing any exercises to help your back, but I started doing the “cat - camel” manoveure and it has really helped. Have a google, it might help.
Take care
Hi , number08 Glad to hear your back is getting better, mine is also alot better been taking Naproxen twice a day and has working wonders for my back but not my stomach lol but glad it is working. I actually know that excercise always do that at the end of my workout but havent done them in ages due to all the crap that has happened in the last few months. Feel like a fat frump to say the least lol but i will give it ago to see if it helps my back. Thank you!
Hi Bean
I had a LB last year and my only advise is to have two days off after it so you can stay lying down - thats if you get the LB headache - lying flat makes headache go away as the pressure is off .
The procedure in itself is ok and you will be fine, I only felt a quick sharp period pain feeling as the needle was inserted
I agree with the coffee and tea drinking before and after as much as you can (I dont like coke)
Try not to worry about it too much you will be fine
I’m laying in bed now after having my lumbar puncture today and agree with everyone the thought of it is worse than the procedure. It’s just like having an injection when you go to dentist. Although I want to get up & do things I’m sticking to advice and staying in bed today and tomorrow. I wish you all the best though!! Xx
Hi Bean
Just wondering how the LP went? Hope all is ok and you are recovering well.
Take care
Hi everybody! I am just home a few hours it wasnt to bad and was all over in 30 mins. I am very sore now but thats normal. My legs feel weird but dont no if that normal lol but just because of the pokeing about lol. i think a couple of days rest should be all i need then i will b running about again! I was told it would take 6 weeks for the results and that it would b a couple of months before i see the neuro again. I think i will discuss going back to work soon with mu gp and try and get a sense of a normal routine again. Cant wait to get back! Hope you are all doing well
Hi Bean
So glad it wasn’t too bad. Had mine Tuesday, and the procedure was fine, apart from them catching a nerve as they went in!
I’m suffering with back pain pretty badly, but no massive headache.
Hope you can get back to work real soon xx