My latest blog if you have a few spare minutes. It was the fifth anniversary of my diagnosis yesterday so I’ve been thinking long and hard about it, I cannot be the denial queen forever! But I also need to say a huge thanks to all of you that have helped me keep a hold on reality for this long
Nina, I’ve just read it , I’m wise awake withe my tinntus. Its very well writen , i do a lot of looking back aswell , there have been so many changes and plans that I had that ive had to alter. It’s been nearly 5 years for me too. Not for a diagnosis, I’m still waiting, but since that day in May 2013 when lost all mobility and life changed forever. In that 5 years you will have learned such a lot and become the person you are today . I know I’ve achieved things that i would never have imagined , life has been different but it’s still good. I hope you get your comfortable wheelchair is it a manual one or power?. I’ve had loads of fun in mine , it’s a power one. The independence is amazing I go everywhere, it’s like I’m running. Take care Nina and keep writing. I loved reading it . Michelle and Frazer xx
I’ve only been diagnosed for 3 years but it would appear that I’ve actually had MS for a number of years prior to this and what a journey it has been for me both via the decline in my health and also my personal life - although there has been some really happy times and events too.
Credit to you about being able to blog your journey through the last 5 years and being able to share it with us too. I have only so far been able to read a couple of your blogs but I endeavour to read them all but it may just take me some time to do so.
Sending you some hugs as we could all do with some
Like you, when diagnosed I could easily count back 12 years before that, I had the numb big toe and issues with flip-flops (right foot only). But possibly even longer, if I did in fact have generally mild(ish) relapses and then turned to SPMS?! Who knows, I remember my weirdest unexplained episode happened when I was about 24. My eyes were so painful, I asked my optician if I had an infection, no. Went to GP, no infection and optician knows more about eyes. Given my eyes hurt open or closed, I spent the best part of a week in agony and shattered, I didn’t push it as I had no idea it could’ve been anything more serious! Then it just stopped and I caught up on my sleep. Very strange
Today was a pretty miraculous day to be honest, I had my first appointment with Wheelchair services and my GP had warned me upfront that I should look at what charity was available as they generally wiggled out of providing chairs. It kind of proved it was time really, as despite the form warning of a minimum hour appointment and a 6-10 week wait for a chair - we arrived and within a few minutes he was explaining to Rob about all the adjustments that could be made etc. So 25 mins after the appointed time, we were already in the car on our way home with a chair in the boot
They were also very happy to accept my cheap and cheerful effort, they said they’d service it and it’d be used on a ward so that was a good feeling too.
It truly was the first time in ages that everything went right, without too much planning and preparation from me and Rob.