Feeling totally wiped out

We’ve had a lot of family illness and problems recently, so as much as I’ve tried to sit back and rest, that hasn’t always been possible.

I’ve had a few sniffles all week, but last night I went out to a party. I didn’t go mad. I woke up today with no voice, high temperature, can’t swallow and even my eyes hurt. I’ve known for years that if I get something like this, it takes me longer to shake it off than the rest of the family.

Is this normally the case for MS sufferers please? I’ve had my flu jab, but I’m still trying to work out what I can expect or ignore?


Sounds like you have been having a tough time, this won’t help the MS. Sounds like the MS, I always find I feel terrible after doing something out the norm even though you are careful. I am still learning too, I can’t believe it is nearly a year since my dx. Take care of yourself and big hugs Barney