Fat/weight gain....

Everyone should have your scales PaulineM

There’s a fortune to be made by somebody if they produced those scales! Yesterday somone visited me with a packet of Jaffa Cakes… he ate a couple… after he left I managed to eat the whole lot… honestly… it’s like that little knob in the brain that says ‘enough’ is just not working at all… There… my guilty secret is out in the public domain! Have a good Sunday everyone, Pat xx

Oh it’s all become clear now Pat…I only gorge on cadburys chocolate eggs because I’ve got a little knob missing in my brain? I confess to eating three …one after the other…on Friday night! Hope everyone has sunshine today. Nina x

i am so pleased im not the only one to eat chocolate like its going out of fashion lol,i had a big bag of maltesers on saturday,the ones that say ‘made for sharing’ only trouble was i didnt share them i ate the whole bag,lol

i hate myself afterwards too,and feel sick.

WHY do i do it…

J x

I have the answer ! Heather was shopping and for a treat bought me some shortbread made with clotted cream. That sound great, I love good shortbread and everyone know stuff you like cant put on weight can it. Well the Shortbread was disgusting as dry as carboard and tasted awful. so it is still in the packet waiting for some visitor to come and get the shock we did. At this rate if you buy horrid food you starve but the coffin will be as light as a feather. Sod em their career choice coffin bearers beware in my case they are heading for hernias.

Have a good week folks I am at last downstairs after bed rest for four days GRRRR I hate MS

Oh Maltesers Mrs J… I can’t stop once I get started on those… same with chocolate coated peanuts… avoid buying them at all costs! Have to agree to an extent Hoppity… I too have bought horrid shortbread (how do they manage to make it so horrid?) but it really has to be totally disgusting for me to give up on it altogether. I’m not very fond of dark chocolate… always leave them till last in a box of milk and dark choc… but I will force myself to eat them if nothing else available… Lol… I am actually going out to the shops in a while (first time in couple of weeks!) so no doubt I will find a fantastic excuse to buy chocolate… I have a great excuse if I go into Oxfam and buy a bar of their Devine choc… it really is devine… and the money goes to charity!!! So actually buying their chocolate is a charitable act… how great is that!!! Pat xx :wink:

O hPat, now you`ve given me another excuse to eat choccy…for Oxfam!


Does chocolate covered raisins count as a health food?lots of M

My solution to the weight problem is easy. Because I am unable to stand without huge support from my arms, I can’t balance on the scales. Therefore no idea what I weigh, and don’t really care, beyond trying to eat the right things. The only way I can get weighed is by being put on the sit-on scales in hospital.

Does anyone else find a loss of appetite when you’re having a bad day (as I have been yesterday and today)? I really have to make myself eat something, and there’s no enjoyment in it. It seems as though most of you are saying the opposite- bad days make you want to overeat.

I cant get weighed either…I did get weighed once at weelchair services…she said 18st…that was NOT right…I was ony 14st! Not going again!.where`s that tub of ice cream…


Just trying to fine summer clothes that FIT, Grrrrrrrr. Another size up bu££er, however the sun is shinning lets look on the bright side of life. Happy Easter guys much M

Simply Be, Bon Marche, and Matalan are favs of mine. I`m a 20/22.

I wear leggings and long tops and long cardigans all the time. I dont like coats, so favour capes. I bought a black biker jacket recently…not totally happy with it yet.


I get my jeans from Evans, tops and trackies from Cotton Traders and evening wear from Ann Harvey.

Ooo, doesn’t that make me sound either posh or old or both?!

I have a few items of evening wear because my husband and I enjoy weekend breaks in smart hotels where a lot of guests still dress up for the evening (dinner and the post-dinner show). It’s nice to have a few smart things to wear when occasion demands, I am a ‘jeans and jumper’ girl most of the time.

I haven’t gained significant weight since dx (there hasn’t been time!), but I’m trying to lose weight and it’s not coming off as fast as I’d like, basically because I don’t have a lot of energy left after work for exercise.