fab news!

Morning to all my dear friends!

Yehaa! great news. My doppler test went AOK! We could hear the blood whooshing through my veins plain enough. What they do is take your BP in each arm and then in the ankles and then divide one reading by the other and it is supposed to come to at least 1.

Well it was 1. something.so yeh I do have good circulation to my legs and feet.

Oh am I a happy bunny or what!

Then I talked to the 2 lovely nurses, about what the doctor said. They agreed that she was way out of order, saying I could lose my legs…for chuff sake, eh?

Then we discussed the pain in my heels. All they could think was pressure pains, as it happens when in bed mostly, with some lesser pain at other times.

They said my skin is in good nick and to keep moisturising and they will come once a month to check it. Then they tried to support my heels in different ways. Oh and they are bringing me some different gel heel protectors to try.

Sis was with me and she, my hubby and I were cock a hoop!

Innit wionderful!

oodles of luv and stuff,

Polly xxxx

Great news Poll

Karen x

That must be a huge relief Poll. That doctor was very irresponsible! I’m so glad it was good news. Teresa xx

Great news Poll, what a relief for you all.

Pam x

Wonderful news - very pleased for you Poll - what a relief!

Onwards and upwards to coin a phrase eh Poll.


fab news message from Poll - had to read it straight away.

Brilliant news I would say. What a relief.

Jen x

Thanks for all the kind words of support.

I`m feeling sooooo relieved!

luv Pollx

Hi Poll At last some good news for you, one less thing to worry about. Hope they can help with your heels too!! Off to hospital on Thursday to get rid of this bladder stone!!! Take care luv Linda x

Thankyou Linda.

Good luck with the op on Thursday.

luv Pollx

Oh fab news darling Poll !!!

Terrible that you were given such a scare… but hey it’s turned out alright. Very pleased for you!

Hope they can help with your heels too.

Think you deserve a gold cup for getting through yet another terrible nightmare…

Pat x

Crap keeps getting slung at all of us. Some stuff is harder to deal with than others.

But I am a natural fighter, I guess.

I am just sooo relieved.

Ta for support, Pat.

luv Pollx

That is fabulous news Poll, and thanks so much for telling us as it has made my day!

Best of luck chuckles!!



Oh luvya Moira.

Ive just replied to your post re your sisters remark. Hope I havent gone too far in my comments. No offence meant hun.

lluv Pollx

So pleased for you Polly, you deserve some good news.

Wendy x

Oh, that’s great news Poll!

What a flippin’ scare, all for nothing, eh?

But why are your feet so cold, and she couldn’t feel a pulse, if blood is whooshing through fine?

I’m relieved it wasn’t the doctor’s first and worst fear. But I hope something can still be done about it, as it doesn’t sound quite right.



That is great news!

Brenda x

Great news poll xx

fantastic news hun :slight_smile: lou x

Wonderful news Poll, but what an awful situation to be placed in.

BW, Mary