Yehaa! great news. My doppler test went AOK! We could hear the blood whooshing through my veins plain enough. What they do is take your BP in each arm and then in the ankles and then divide one reading by the other and it is supposed to come to at least 1.
Well it was 1. yeh I do have good circulation to my legs and feet.
Oh am I a happy bunny or what!
Then I talked to the 2 lovely nurses, about what the doctor said. They agreed that she was way out of order, saying I could lose my legs…for chuff sake, eh?
Then we discussed the pain in my heels. All they could think was pressure pains, as it happens when in bed mostly, with some lesser pain at other times.
They said my skin is in good nick and to keep moisturising and they will come once a month to check it. Then they tried to support my heels in different ways. Oh and they are bringing me some different gel heel protectors to try.
Sis was with me and she, my hubby and I were cock a hoop!
Hi Poll At last some good news for you, one less thing to worry about. Hope they can help with your heels too!! Off to hospital on Thursday to get rid of this bladder stone!!! Take care luv Linda x