Eyes problems

Hi guys - only got diagnosed 5 weeks ago and started treatment 3 weeks ago . I’m still recovering from optical neuritis and I get palinopsia aswell when looking at digital lights.

Anyway I’m getting worried about my vision, I’ve seen nerology at eye hoisptal last week who said my eyes look good but obviously it’s my brain causing my issues.

I’ve noticed now the last ten days I cannot look at my phone for very long, this has never been a problem before and now my eyes start to feel uncomfortable after just a couple seconds and then they seem to blur abit , also I’ve getting more frequent blurry vision thru out the day , at anytime of the day, tired or not.

Dunno if this is normal for ms or not. Just worried that’s all . I suppose if eye doctor says they look ok then I shouldn’t worry, but it’s my brain causing these problems which I worry about :frowning:

You need to talk to the MS nurse. If you don’t have one, please talk to your GP. I had ON and it took me a long while to recover, but you need to be sure you don’t get ON as a relapse after relapse. Yet, you need to know, that after ON, your vision can be affected periodically if you get hot, you exercise, you stress, etc, but it would aoeays go back to the new normal after you calm down.