l read these articles - and yes l begin to feel hopeful. Even after 32yrs of MS l am still optimistic that the ‘real me’ will appear again. But - then further down the page they hit you with ‘lt will take 20- 30 yrs’ to complete the testing. lts 35yrs since they first discovered these facts about Epstein Barr Virus. Did they just push it onto the backburner. l don’t even know if l was tested for it.
Perhaps its time l asked my GP.
Yes wake up medicine - we want a cure - and we want it NOW!!!
From what I understand most people have this virus dormant. When it becomes active you are very ill with glandular fever and you would know about it. How many people on this site have had glandular fever ?
I came across a site were a guy had remedies claiming the rid the body of EBV and lime disease etc
As far as I know, I’ve never had it.Unless all of the cases of tonsillitis I had as a kid were gladular fever. Never been asked about having it either in the last 8 years
had glandular fever when i was 8-9. Dont know that the glandular fever is linked with activating this virus. Says on a lot of papers that most people have the EBV, and on about 99% of studies, it will show that everyone who has MS, has this EBV. Maybe its a coincidence, i dont know, but i think they should get the finger out either way.
Theres no cure for the EBV virus, mainly because most people arent aware they have it. I just wonder if its could be applied to other diseases as well, Surely its prescence in the body has some effect.
It would be nice to finally put a “face” onto this monster tho
I have never had glandular fever so why do I have this crap disease? I think the EBV hypothesis is yet another futile journey into a dead end alley. My brother had glandular fever when we were teenagers and I never did. So why do I have MS and he does not? If having the EBV means you develop MS then: 1. Why does my brother not have MS? 2. Are they really suggesting that if you have had EBV you are going to get MS? I just want to walk and drive a car again. I am so so sick of this living death of a disease.
I don’t know about the EBV specifically, but it makes much more sense to me that the immune system might accidentally damage our own tissues as collateral damage whilst trying to kill off some virus or infection, than our immune systems have gone crazy and are wildly attacking us for no reason. I think one day they will find out that all autoimmune disease is caused by some kind of infection(s) which as yet are undiscovered. Leah
read online today that, basically everybody has ebv but that people with MS produce far more antibodies against ebv than normal people. therefore its something to do with the ebv.
right so thats case closed then, we’ve sovled MS, big pats on the back, so what now?.. cancer?
I still think there’s a better argument for gestational vitamin D3 deficiency rather than pinning everything on EBV. After all, it’s not just EBV or pretty much everyone would have MS!
The Barts blog is interesting see project Charcot. The only thing that makes sense to me is that;
We all carry viruses such as EBV/Herpes/JC etc.
That somewhere along the line we have have a trigger event - all the people I know with MS have had either a serious illness/Operation/extreme stress/Grief etc shortly before their first symptom.
This sends the virus in overdrive as our immune system is weak and it attacks the CNS.
Under attack from all sides from the virus (or in some cases bacteria) the immune system fights back with everything it has.
Whilst trying to battle the CNS cells the myline sheath is destroyed along with the unhealthy cells.
To stop things getting worse you need to:
a) stop the virus (which cant be done from anti-biotics available at the moment).
b) calm down the auto immue response (DMD’s).
c) anti-inflammatory diet/medication.
Thereafter, repair the legacy damage via;
i) Physio
ii) Stem cells treatment?
It always strikes me that to my knowledge no-one has ever been cured of MS and yet we get talked down to by Consultants. How can they be so arrogant bearing in mind that they have a 100% failure rate!.
R&D is being cut back by large Pharma so it appears no-one is working on what we need.
Just my thoughts, I have no medical training but I try to understand the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that is MS.
The Barts blog is interesting see project Charcot. The only thing that makes sense to me is that;
We all carry viruses such as EBV/Herpes/JC etc.
That somewhere along the line we have have a trigger event - all the people I know with MS have had either a serious illness/Operation/extreme stress/Grief etc shortly before their first symptom.
This sends the virus in overdrive as our immune system is weak and it attacks the CNS.
Under attack from all sides from the virus (or in some cases bacteria) the immune system fights back with everything it has.
Whilst trying to battle the CNS cells the myline sheath is destroyed along with the unhealthy cells.
To stop things getting worse you need to:
a) stop the virus (which cant be done from anti-biotics available at the moment).
b) calm down the auto immue response (DMD’s).
c) anti-inflammatory diet/medication.
Thereafter, repair the legacy damage via;
i) Physio
ii) Stem cells treatment?
It always strikes me that to my knowledge no-one has ever been cured of MS and yet we get talked down to by Consultants. How can they be so arrogant bearing in mind that they have a 100% failure rate!.
R&D is being cut back by large Pharma so it appears no-one is working on what we need.
Just my thoughts, I have no medical training but I try to understand the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that is MS.
l read the Barts blog to - and came to the same conclusion. l am now convinced that an attack of shingles - a year before the MS symtoms started - is the ‘key’ that triggered mine. This was a very severe case of shingles. So bad that my GP did not recognise it at first. lt was in my jaw/gums - and it was the dentist who sent me to the Dental Hospital for further investigation. They had not seen anything like it for years - and l had to put up with lots of students having a look. l thought l had some horrendous gum disease and would lose my teeth - or even worse, it could have been cancer. l ended up weighing just under 7 st.
Since then, l have had shingles again, twice - in different places. Shingles - a herpes virus like cold-sore - lies dormant-waiting to attack - and we all have it. So it is in everyones interest that a cure/prevention is found.
My GP/Neuros, over the last 32yrs - have never taken any interest in this theory. lts makes you wonder if we could get a simple questionaire out for PWMS - and gather the data.
We have discussed this before - albeit some years ago. But so many of us did have shingles/glandular fever/etc prior to dx. And l do wonder if many of us did not realise. Glandular fever can only be confirmed by blood-test. Shingles can appear anywhere - and is not always picked up by GP’s. The last bout l had - all 3 GP’s in the practise had to have a look to confirm it - l knew what it was as l had been through it all before.
The post about David Wheldon yesterday is interesting. He is a Doctor who treated his wife with a combination of anti-biotics which worked for her. Another poster tried the same treatment without success, probably because his root cause was different and thats the problem. Its all trial and error stuff and we dont have access to the drugs and detailed blood testing. If I wasnt on a DMD I would try and get funding for my own clinical trial, as I cant help but feel that no-one else will cure me because there are so many variables with MS. Its as if MS is a “catch all” label for a range of illnesses rather than a stand alone disease. Lots of problems no clear solutions. Peter.
Interesting, i remember my neuro telling me if there was a vaccination for this virus the numbers of MS ers would drop. When i was 21 I was bed ridden with a apparent unknown virus/illness. 30 + years on i recognise this as being symptoms like the virus and also MS in similarities. I continued having episodes of unkown origion (gave up going to doctor) until diagnoses at 40. The consultant announced that there was some really old damage on my brain!