Hi all. Back in limbo land for the second time and waiting to see my private neuro this weekend I’m struggling at the moment with my vision as I have a constant blurry kind of blind spot right in the centre of my vision. I’ve had it for three or four weeks now and have also had one bout of complete double vision which lasted for just over a minute Does this sound like it could be optic neuritis?. My last MRI scan had a few anomalies but they said not MS but am beginning to think this way again with my latest eye problem and the other usual symptoms I had last time
Hi, not an expert nor Dxed with anything, But been learning about optic neuritis because of a possible bout of it before Xmas (mines atypical because I had pain but no vision loss). It does sound like the descriptions in vision loss in ON, apparently it’s the central vision that is the problem. I wonder if it might be worth booking in with your local eye hospital (if you can do that - mine offers a and e appts) or perhaps going to the optician. If they think you need to be evaluated by the eye docs then they can send you up… Try testing with an amsler grid (google it) it’s not a test of optic neuritis, but it can give you a good idea where your vision is iffy before you go anywhere… Good luck x
Yeah I’ve been to an optician who couldn’t find anything wrong. Said could be optic nerve or brain problem as eyes appear healthy They said I need to go to vision clinic and doc would refer me but doc says wait for neuro appointment first Thanks for the reply. It’s so draining having it but I can’t think what else it could be with my eyes being ‘healthy’ Mick
hi guys,
been wondering the same thing myself stressed little puddycat and so been googling optic nueritis, (like you im in limbo land) apparently its quite common to have it but optician can only see healthy eyes! its all so frustrating
Karen x
i just tried the amsler grid test and my right eye makes the lines look wobbily like in a swimming pool but other eye is fine? karen x
How strange Kareng - that is exactly what happens with me too! I wondered if it’s because the vision is not brilliant in that eye (not optic neuritis wise, just generally)… I have an appointment with the Orthoptist at the eye infirmary tomorrow morning, so I will mention it to her/him and let you know what they say.
Yes please. Keep us updated how you go. Fingers crossed for you lelole Kareng, can’t think what it could be if it’s not that. Kind of fits in with all my other symptoms etc both this time and last time it happened Hopefully the neuro this sat will be able to help me too
Ps I’ve tried the Amsler test thingy at the opticians. Slightly blurry in the middle of my vision.
Hi I had optic neuritis in October. Like you I had blurred patches, like I had looked at a bright light for too long. I saw several ophthalmologists with no help. It was optician that made the initial dx of ON. one of the most telling things was that the colour vision in the affected eye was off. I noticed that when I shut the bad eye and looked at colours then swapped to the other eye, the colours in the affected eye looked bleached or washed out. Especially red. ON can be hard to see when just viewed by the optician looking in your eye as the inflammation is commonly behind the eye or ‘retrobulbar’. Do you have any pain? Mine was extremely painful when I looked to extreme left right or up or down. This came on about 5 days after the problem started and peaked after about 10 days. I also noticed that the vision in the affected eye was wobbly. Like looking at a heat wave or like looking through really old, distorted glass. Keep going back and pushing for answers, I had to really fight to get them to believe that something was seriously wrong. I have everything crossed for you that you get to the bottom of things soon. Hope this helps PG xx
Hmmm, I’ve been saying it feels like I’m in a dream sometimes but yes it could be that the colours are washed out. I can also see something’s moving slightly. Just like I’m seeing through a heat haze where the airs wobbling I will keep pushing for answer. I can’t afford to. It’s led to two an a half months off with some symptoms last year and now however long this takes to ease off. I can’t just accept a dx that I was cautious about accepting last year. Everyone I’ve spoken to this year (GP, optician and nurse from my healthcare scheme) all seem to never have heard of invisible migraines (ie no aura OR headache) :-s Thankyou for the crossed fingers. I’ll update what happens on saturdAy with my neuro Mick
I have had migraine with aura before but never silent migraine - I’m amazed that a GP has never heard of silent migraine though. Incidentally, the blurred patches with ON looked a lot like the aura that comes with my migraines. I also get pins and needles in my arm and face with migraine. Try doing an online colour blindness test - http://colorvisiontesting.com/online%20test.htm If you can’t do these then your colour vision is impaired and you can mention this to neuro etc. Best of luck PG xx
Polar bear, I want to the opticians and thy mentioned about the dye but said my pupils were wide enough for them to see clearly. Checked three times to be sure I’m hoping if the neuro thinks I need further checks with my eye he’ll advise me P.s. I can’t drive anyway as my doctor advised me not to because I’d had a massive double vision attack when the pain was at its highest that came on without warning Mick
Pandagal, Done that vision test. Definitely colour blind!! I’ll mention it when I go on Saturday!! Thanks for that
Yeah it’s been about five weeks now. It stops me doing anything really as it tires me out and disorientates me like it did you Here’s hoping he’s a good one on Saturday and better than my last two