Hi, 36 yo mother of two. (2 year old and 6 month old). Since last Saturday my vision has been off. Right eye has central vision affected only. All periphery is fine. Went to optician asap who said everything was perfectly health and diagnosed migraine. GP said the same thing and gave me some antibiotics for sinus infection. Said it was triggered by stress and anxiety.
It is not gotten any better or worse! Rang moorfields who said I would need a GP referral. I have now worked myself into a state convincing myself it’s MS. My head has been on and off aching. But it’s the vision is really distressing me. Last night was my first decent night sleep in months as I took myself into the spare room. I openly admit I catastrophise events and am worse case scenario person.
My life has carried on as normal: dinners, cleaning, parenting.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Or I am just someone who suffers from stress and anxiety? My face is all tingly today also.
Please help. I’m in a really dark dark place with two babies relying on me. It just doesn’t seem to be getting any better.