Hi I’ve been experiencing some strange symptoms lately and after some research MS has come up as a possible reason for my symptoms.
I first went to the Dr the other day as I’ve been experiencing visual problems. I’m getting a cloudy area on the top right hand side of my left eye and also getting muscle/nerve spasms from behind my eye in the same area as the cloudy area made worse when i move my eye or apply pressure. The GP sent me for a pears test at the opticians and she said my retina is attached and everything looks fine…no obvious mass behind my eye. But when I did the visual field test I was missing an ark over the area of the blurring and the spasms.
Looking up symptoms of MS I’ve realised I am experiencing quite a few eg dizzy, fatigue, vertigo, achy muscles, zero sex drive, headaches, constipation, cloudy head-unable to think straight, memory problems I have been through alot of stress lately because my son has een very unwell and in and out of hospital so I’ve been dismissing things believing them to bre stress related ( which they still could be). Untill the eye problems which I couldn’t ignore.
Could I have the early signs? Should I go and see my Gp with my concerns? I’m being referred by the optician to the hospital, should I just wait for that appointment?
Thank you
Hi Kat, the symptoms you’ve described could be any number of thing, not necessarily MS.
If I were you I’d go back to the GP about your concerns & ask to be referred to a neuro. MS mimics many other conditions, so everything else would need to be eliminated before a dx could be given.
Don’t jump too far ahead & I hope your son recovers soon
Good luck
Hi Kat, I think it could be an idea to wait for the hospital referral to come and see how that goes.
MS sometimes does start with eye problems, but there is usually some mobility problem too.
As Rosina said, it could be a whole list of things, so each needs to be eliminated.
Dont read too much info as your brain will become confused and tired.
luv Pollx
Thank you both for your replies 
I think your right I just need to calm down and wait for the appointment.
Its because i’m blind in my other eye since I was a child so I’m probably more concerned about loosing the sight in my ‘good’ eye. So started searching what it could be. I did get back to the Dr as suggested and dr has assured me it will be prioritised as I already have sight issues.
Thank you again
Hi wondering if anyone can offer advice. My mum had MS most of her life and died 5 years ago recently I’ve started to display symptoms of ms and it’s got me quite scared. I’m 31 and my symptoms are sexual dysfunction, constipation, fatigue, and very occasional pins and needles. I don’t have a good sleeping pattern and I’ve have a lot of recent stress, relationship change etc. So the doctor put it down to stress and lifestyle rather then MS. Does this sound right or am I right to be scared, any advice would be really appreciated