Daughter in hospital

Hi, I’m very new to this as before 10 weeks ago I didn’t even think my daughter might have MS. She started with Optic Neuritis one day out of the blue. She went back and forth to the eye clinic. Nothing helped the pain, blurred vision, lost of field or colour change. She still came into work (We work together in my shop) Then she really felt unwell so we took some time off. She suddenly had awful pain in her legs and hasn’t been able to walk properly for nearly 3 weeks now. She was finaly admitted into hospital on Monday. She’s had a scan and it shows abnormalities and tomorrow is going to have a lumbar puncture. She’s a single Mum and has been living back at home with her son since her legs went funny. It’s all a bit sudden and daunting so I thought I’d say hi and see how others have found it all.

Thanks for reading my post.


Hi Liz, just read your post and noticed you havent had any replies. Could you repost on the everyday living forum? I know there is another lady in there who cares for her daughter, and i am sure you will get lots of replies on there. Take care x


hi liz i do feel for you such a worrying time for you.before my husband was diognosed the worry nearly killed me,not knowing is the worst feeling ever.once they have found out whats wrong theres loads of medication out there to help her.what i would say to you is ask doctors everythink thats on your mind,dont hold back like i did.you go home and think wish i would have asked more,love and support to you,i know what your going through christine xxx

Just sending a warm hug to you and your girl.


much luv Pollx