Covid jabs and MS

Had a worrying appointment with my neuro last week. First off, my brain scan is stable which I thought was a positive thing. She then went on to do the usual tests. She said that my MS has progressed and my partner said he’d noticed I’d noticed that my symptoms had worsened since the covid jabs. My neuro said this can happen in a small number of cases but there’s no way of testing/working it out. She also said that although my scan was stable there can be nerve damage underneath areas of the brain that had been inflammed in the past but again there’s no way of knowing whether this has happened at all. I’ve got a diagnosis of dystonia and has frequent retrocollis and jaw grinding. Has anyone had this problem or anything similar?

How are you feeling now ?

Well now funny you should say this.
We must be related :wink:
I have had exactly the same- 3 weeks after 2 nd jab- intense numbness in feet- for what now turn out to be MS ( diagnosed March 23) . My previous mri were clear, this most recent one like a cotton wool maker. Coincidence I am told ………… vaccines cause inflammation………… a person responded to my post on it and it strangely disappeared- internet glitch no doubt😎.

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Thank you for asking. I have now seen Consultant Neurologist who specialises in movement disorders. He confirmed that I have a Functional Brain Injury caused by the covid vaccines. He had recently been carrying out research in Canada on the same issues. As like other injuries, it can be ‘fixed’ by practising deterrent techniques such as slowly tapping my thumb against my fingertips or counting slowly in my head. Something that works for me and I have to regularly do it everytime I have these symptoms. It can only take me back to the position I was in before the vaccines, so as I was experiencing some symptoms such as the jaw grinding and clenching before the vaccines, that’s something I’m going to have to live with. My next MRI is due at the end of the month so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s still stable. Hope that helps.