Hi all,
Potted summary - diagnosed 2015, and my \MS has been pretty active. I tried Avonex (didn’t work and hated the side effects), then had two courses of alemtuzuab (Lemtrada) and had further relapses. Neuro is currently reviewing my options (i.e. a third round of alemtuzumab or try something else) because the side effects from the second course of alemtuzumab were pretty unpleasant so I’m keen to explore options. Meanwhile, he’s put me on copaxone so that at least I’ve got “something” while we decide what to do next.
So I started copaxone nearly a month ago.
I’m OK with the injections, I can handle the injection site reactions, but I’ve been having a flare up of old symptoms and I am wondering if what is happening to me now is copaxone-related or just MS-related. I can’t really be sure that my flare is caused by Copaxone. I’m getting awful fatigue, some altered sensation in my legs, a tiny bit of footdrop, and I just generally feel like crap. It isn’t so bad I’ve felt the need to contact the clinic or ask for steroids, but it’s bad enough. And I have low mood and irritability. All ways round I am not a joy to live with right now!
(While writing this I am wondering if I should ring the clinic after all… although when I last needed steroids it was such a hassle to fill my prescription as the pharmacies couldn’t get any and I am not sure if I can face that again! But that’s another story…)
Anyway, what I wanted to ask is - have any of you experienced a flare up of old symptoms associated with starting Copaxone?
Also, have any of you experienced low mood as a side effect of Copaxone?
Or should I just chalk it up to having MS, just the gift that keeps on giving?!
TIA for any replies <3