Hi everyone,
For my full story, please read my previous posts! But in short, I am currently having a second episode of symptoms following my first episode of double vision in 2014. This is including a relapse of the double vision and a new symptom - pins and needles/numbness all down my left side.
I had an appointment with my MS nurse yesterday (I mistakenly thought I was seeing the consultant, I knew it was too good to be true getting an appointment 10 days after referral!). I left the appointment more confused than ever! The MS nurse implied that I already have a diagnosis of MS following my first episode of double vision. I said that I was under the impression, and had been lead to believe by the consultant and a different MS nurse, that the first episode was classed as CIS as I didn’t meet the criteria for a full diagnosis. She read the clinic letter from my previous neuro appointment and said it was a bit vague but essentially said the consultant believed that episode was a first episode of MS with a high chance of relapse (which I guess is what CIS is anyway!!).
So, I’m now very confused as to whether I have a diagnosis or not but I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference since I’m now having a second relapse and so I think a diagnosis is inevitable! Just trying to get my head around this crazy world!
I feel fairly okay about the diagnosis (I’ve had 5 years coming to terms with the possibility!) but obviously anxious about the future! And I’m getting married next week so desperately praying that the symptoms of this relapse clear up soon as I’d like to only see one of my future husband when I’m walking down the aisle!
For now, I have an 8 week wait for an MRI and a 5 month wait to see the consultant - oh the joys!!