Hi! I am 34, female and i am confused!
Altogether i have had 3 MRI’s and I am due a Lumbar Puncture on Tuesday.
The first MRI was for something unrelated (thyroid eye disease) and they found lesions on my brain, the second MRI was with contrast and the neurologist put this down to Micro Ischemia. The third MRI was done because they wanted to make sure i didnt have any more changes and low amd behold, there were changes and more lesions showed!
The neurologist think it is likely to be MS and has forwarded me for a LP… HOWEVER…the neurologist and radiologist were unsure whether to class these as new lesions or not because the third MRI was done using a new machine. So my results are being discussed in the neuroradiology meeting to see if i have dissemination in time and space. And after the LP results, they will then determine if i meet the criteria to be diagnosed with MS or not…
The issue is for me is that i dont think i have had what they would class as a relapse?? But i have everything else wrong with me (graves disease, psoriasis, migraines, back issues etc)
Can they diagnose MS with no relapse symptoms? Or with hazey potential relapses such as ‘i saw the dr for veritgo once’ and ‘i had trouble retaining my urine and had to see a specialist’??
At the moment my neurologist is unaware but i keep going dizzy at unexpected times and i am unable to explain this sense of cloud that comes over me, i feel horrifically tired all of the time at the moment, feel like i cannot focus at work no matter how hard i try and i feel like im soooo clumsy… and i dont know if my brain is making my symptoms happen because i think i have MS.
Any advise or comments are welcome, im so lost with how to feel. Im on sertraline thank god it makes me feel somewhat more sane…