claiming benefits

i was diagnosed with ms in aug 2009, just had a relapse and had steriods injections over three days have been off

work for 6 months, sick pay runs out at the end of jan 2013, after having the steriods things have got worse, what benefits

can i claim and who do i contact any help would me much appreicated.

Six weeks before your SSP ends your employer should send you form SSP1. This will enable you to ask to apply for Employment Support Allowance.

I suggest you visit to read up on this benefit.

Any other benefits you could claim are subject to your circumstances but you can get a rough idea at which allows you to put in partners earnings and savings etc.


Thank you jane really is appreicated have a good xmas

Im in that position now sick pay has stopped and trying to get on esa. One bit of advice write down every call you make to them and what was said. They are very good at forgetting to tell you things. They forgot to tell me they need sick notes as i was giving them to work still, they stopped paying without warning. hoping its all sorted now. It is horrible going from working to not, so best of luck to you and have a great xmas.