Thankyou to everyone who responded to my intial post. I`m not a professional scientist but I would love to know why we get MS. I used to say its fate, blah blah…
But then I found the Streptococcus virus can cause various things. Especially when an infants brain is developing in the early years. I read it can cause damage to the grey matter/myelin.
No scarlet fever but a whole string of stuff including lazy left ankle/foot that needed re-training as a toddler, lady right eye that never got worse or improved so my other eye does all the work (unless I get dust in it then I’m up the Swanee), every virus going immediately turning into an ‘itis’, tonsilitis re-occuring till they took them out at 7 whist also dealing with adenoids and something else, many allergies in my 30s in fact I had to stop most foods and start again with plain rice and fish, then introduce more food groups as time went by, flu in my 30s, dodgy legs and knees followed by two knee operations and 9 others for various stupid things, cyclical migraine and vomiting till my 40s when I got Grave’s Disease which did nearly kill me and was treated with a blast of something, then M.S. in my 50s which at least has a name and some treatments and at the moment, isn’t trying to finish me off like some of the previous things, well not yet anyway! Never had chicken pox (touch wood) and my children and all the people who passed through our house had chicken pox as we lived in a street where everyone knew each other and all the children played together whatever their age.
Didn’t really fit in with my no fear attitude that always had to climb anything that said ‘do not climb’ or swim in the dangerous sea, that sort of thing! I have had to slow down now, boo.
Hi, so I believe I had scarlet fever as a child, but this was back in the early 60’s and my mother had enough to cope with as she’d just been diagnosed with womb cancer, I had swollen throat, couldn’t swallow, had a fever, my mum called it “dried up tonsils” LOL and treated me herself, so not officail, but I think it was.
I had all the childhood illnesses as a child including scarlet fever, and some unidentified illness when I was about 7 which put me in hospital. I do know the doctors at the Brook Hospital in London (now long since pulled down!) about thirty odd years ago were very interested in all the childhood illnesses I’d had as there was some theory then that they might have led to the MS.
I did have scarlet fever as a child. I also had measles and despite having had mmr multiple times, single vaccines and actual measles I remain non immune to it (I only know as screened as a midwife and consultant accessed my records after me refusing a further mmr vaccine and saying mum had said I’d had measles)
Hi destiny, I didn’t get scarlet fever as a child but when I was 30 I contracted measles and was very ill due to my age. I started getting ms symptoms. I didn’t connect the two until years later.
I had chicken pox at age 6, and a couple times as a toddler I was hospitalized with fevers of unknown origin. I also had an episode at age 2 where they found me unconscious with no signs of injury or bites. I came to on the way to the hospital, so they turned around and took me back home.