Catheter Bypass

Does anyone else have problems with a suprapubic catheter bypassing at night? I am posting on behalf of my mum who has had MS for over 50 years and only in the past few years has become a full time wheechair user. Her SP catheter is fine in the day but is bypassing at night. She cant move once in bed and the carers check it isn’t kinked before they leave. She takes solefenacin - but this gives her a really dry mouth. The GP and MS nurse cant help, the district nurses have done a bladder scan and are also at a loss at to what to do. Any suggestions as to why and how to help please.

The best advice I can give is to try and get a referral to a continence nurse. My ms nursing team put me in touch with mine, they are very rare resource by the sounds of it but they are worth their weight in gold.