Can you have MS and not be depressed?

Sorry about the long title but I wanted to catch as many people as possible! Can you have MS and not be depressed? I had a hospital appointment yesterday and mentioned that I had been depressed since The Shingles, I said that I had ‘a fit of depression lately’ he said that’s an interesting word ‘fit’. Do these people over think thinks or am I over thinking it? I was tempted to say who the hell wouldn’t be depressed?

I am aware that I am ranting but I haven’t ranted for a while I was left feeling guilty about mentioning itM

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Hi - I would say that I have MS but am not depressed. It didn’t effect me for a number of years, so I suppose i got used to the idea. Now I use a mobility scooter and cannot walk without a stick - even last Thursday fell over and could not get up and lay on kitchen floor for 3/4 hour until my son arrived after frantic phone call.

Yes I get a bit down for an odd few hours, but I am basically a happy person - hence my username Frothy because my neighbour said that she does not consider me a glass half full person - but more glass frothing over whenever she sees me.

I think (am trying not to over-think) everyone has a few down moments every now and then - and ‘fit’ is quite a good word to describe it. I am sorry to hear you had shingles as I have heard that they are painful and if you cannot mention it to a doctor who are you supposed to tell.

Hope you feel better now and ranting over it has helped as well.

Jackie xx

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Hi, I dont have MS, but was mis-diagnosed with PPMS for 11 years, so feel I do have an insight!

As Jackie says, it is possible to have MS but not be depressed.

To be clinically depressed is different from feeling really fed up.

I can get fed up or down sometimes through being disabled and having to rely on others so much. I have to rely on myself to feel mentally better and back to my normal upbeat self.

I guess the shingles have left you feeling worse than usual.

luv POlllx

I have MS and I get down days and days when I am fed up and can’t be bothered but I am not clinically depressed.

Have you talked to your GP about how you feel? Whether you are clinically depressed or just going through a bad patch, your GP should be able to point you in the direction of appropriate help.

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Hi M. I can’t believe that you got that response, Shingles is extremely painful (I had it in January and can sympathise) and nerve pain is probably the worst type of pain there is. It’s no wonder you felt depressed, especially if it took a while to resolve. I wish sometimes that these insensitive people could be given a week or so to live life in the shoes of those they insult!! I do have depression and take happy pills which suit me and help me cope but that doesn’t mean I’m a really miserable soul. I have lovely friends and family who appear to enjoy my company and I doubt they would if I was.

I’ve been on Citalopram for years now and people have said that they can’t believe I do suffer with depression but when I come off them I become agoraphobic and won’t leave the house. I had this prior to ms and my meds haven’t had to be increased so it obviously hasn’t made it worse, and if ms made everyone depressed I’d imagine that’d be the case. It’s like grief in a way, or other factors that may cause depression like a breakup etc, it affects everyone differently.

Not everyone will get depression in their lives but surely they’ll have down times. And we’re no different except we have a bit more on our plates to cope with. I think you should be very proud of yourself, you obviously handle stress really well, and don’t let your “fit” get you down, I’ve seen grown men crumble and cry over shingles pain. And ignore the ignorant, they pee many of us off with comments about people who they know nothing about.

Cath xx

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Hello M,

It always amazes me how many “professionals” have no idea about the way we are affected. From close friends to physios, we are often the victims of ignorance and insensitivity. Any illness or condition on top of MS is enough to send anyone into a variety of “fits”. If they’re being pedantic about terminology they need reminding about it in whatever way is suitable. In such circumstances my last word (or phrase) is “and I won’t accept an apology” I hope you are feeling better soon.

Best wishes, Steve.

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Hi, I am so shocked & sorry that your Doc would say such an ignorant assuming comment to you. I have had. MS for almost 30 years as does my Mom & older brother. My Mom & others I know have had shingles & it was so painful so I want to tell you how sorry I am that you went through this excruciating circumstance. I don’t ever get depressed but I do get very frustrated with the medical system quite frequently as they think the answer to everything in a pill and more meds which are just toxic to our systems. I was just laying very lethargic in my bed after a Doc made a medical mistake as I was just glad to be home from the hospital but was laying very exhausted in my bed. The professionals looking in on me asked & reported to my Doc about me .& he wanted to offer me antidepressants & I had to educate him that his medical mistake was causing me to be tired/lethargic & never ever assume thus not try to put those toxins in my body. Gosh, these are all chucked full of fluoride & they are actually causing depressed people to commit suicide now. These medical professionals, not all but a fair share of them I feel I have to do the homework for then & then bring these medical articles. & abstracts in to prove these things to them. Sometimes I sort of laugh & wonder how they would react if I sent them a bill as once I’m done with them they are thanking me and saying they had no idea, I really think we know our bodies better than they do. Don’t you agree ? I am so sorry this happened to you & hope you can toss it off & hope it doesn’t happen again . Don’t be afraid to assert yourself to them either. I guess they are supposed to spend 20 minutes with us & move us on out so they can get on to their next patient & this includes the nurse taking our vitals so we maybe have 10 minutes with our Doc. Oh come on! They are supposed to address our problem & we spend how long of our schedule to get there , needless to say, how line did we have to wait for this date to see them on their schedule? I think Not! I ask for an extended visit which is a whole 40 minutes long, send my Doc an e-Mail of my concerns & requests asking if they will be taken care of at the visit as I 'my sure not going to go through the waiting process to see another specialist to take care of what they can’t take care of. He’s lucky if he can get out of the examine room after an hour & 1/4 with me & I’m sorry if I throw him off schedule but I always tell then in advance & am very detailed too! Just remember you are the patient that’s paying your Docs salary & am entitled to quality care. If you don’t receive respect. & care you deserve, please go to a better provider and ask around as friends can usually give you a better recommendation. Again, I’m really forty you had to go through this., Lyns

Cheers guysmost appreciated, I’m making Yorkshire puddings so I must be feeling better. Much love take care WE are the best

Hi M, your neuro obviously hasn’t read ALL the research that shows that people with MS are much more prone to depression than the general population. MUCH MORE!!! And especially when recovering from shingles which affects your immune system. Honestly… and what’s so ‘interesting’ about saying you had a ‘fit of depression’. What a jerk. Keep your chin up girl. Sorry no breaks in text… return button not working… yorkshire pudding… YUMMY… lots of love, Pat xx

Hi hellms reading your post it appears to me that it may have been the literal word ‘fit’ to describe your period of time of depression the doctor may have been referring too

Hi I love my two little antidepressant tablets they keep me sane. Fit of depression is apt me thinks . Don’t let it upset you

What did you have with the Yorkshire puddings?


Beef, roast potatoes, vegetables, gravy AND Yorkshire puds.

Cheers guys good to know where the sane people areM