Bristol - Most caring/helpful neurologist? I need to find a Neuro but concerned to find a compassionate one in bristol- help?!

Can anyone in the bristol area recommend the best/most caring/compassionate neurologist??

i need to see a neurologist as not yet got a diagnosis but am nervous and really keen to see one who is recommended to be caring/compassionate as I have had bad experiences with some other Drs in the past so this matters particularly. I have been putting off getting an appointment because I don’t know who to request to be referred to and I would like to go on recommendation of other patients if I can when deciding who to be referred to

Does anyone know of any neurologists in or around bristol who fit this description?!


Have sent you a Private Message.

Snowqueen x

Hi Fizzy,

Can’t answer your question I’m afraid because I too have not been diagnosed (diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but not MS and only at painkiller elimination stage), But am also in Bristol so any names and recommendations would be greatly received - and of course, I will do the same.

Good luck x


Just to follow on from the earlier request I am in South Somerset and cannot even get to see the local MS Neuro within a 6 month period and as new symptoms appearing would really like to get to see someone more qualified than the MS Nurse. Does anyone have anythoughts? Happy to travel in any direction … maybe I need to get on the train to London??

Thank you.
