
It didn’t work for me either. It makes you feel like a bit of a failure to give up on this ‘wonder system’ that everyone raves about. But it’s clearly not for everyone.


I don’t have personal experience with this but I have looked after patients with stomas( i worked on a female colo-rectal ward) for a number of years before I fell ill myself, so i might be able to add some insight for you. A colostomy isn’t for everyone, just like most things! Some of my patients had what we call ‘reversible’ colostomies, so if its a temporary fix for bowel problems then another surgery will in effect put it back inside your body. For most however this isn’t the case, and a permanent stoma is the reality, I have followed patients from pre-surgery to post and their quality of life vastly improves for most, it is scary as its not ‘normal’ to have part of your bowel on the outside but if it works I say go for it! Anything that will make your life is easier has to be worth it! The initial figuring out what works for your skin, in terms of having the bag be durable throughout day and not falling off etc will take time and lots of trial and error but you will get there, theres plenty of different products out there you can try if you decide to go for it, theres powders to help dry the skin and to make for easier peeling off as you can get some skin irritation, theres a wide variety of different sticky objects we used to call them ‘doughnuts’ cos thats what they look like lol and sooooo many different bags aswell! In my eyes the convenience and comfort of having a stoma outweighs the cons, I’ve seen it with many of my patients, they get their independence back and are just generally are uplifted, good luck with whatever you decide, remember its your body and you have to do what’s right for you :slight_smile:

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Thank you for this- so good to get advice from a someone with so much experience.

Can l ask you- if a colostomy can cope with diarrhoea?

Thank you chivibe for your positive reply!Y.

No-one would choose to have a colostomy in a perfect life, but knowing someone who has experience of either living with or working with them is helpful.


Yes, thanks. It’s really helpful. I’m struggling to get used to the SPC at the moment and the thought of a colostomy in some ways fills me with horror. But I also know it’s on the cards.


Poor Susie!
