Blue Badge

I can’t decide if I should apply for a Blue Badge. I am fortunate to not suffer any pain with my MS but my legs do suffer from fatigue in varying degrees from day to day from mild to quite bad. I can’t run or even walk too fast anymore on any given day and that’s without the weather of illness making things worse. I am supporting myself but just feel being able to park nearer to amenities would be a great help. I looked at the form online and quite rightly it is geared towards those unfortunate enough to be in pain. MS is different kind of disability for me at least and I wondered if anyone else had been awarded a BB for reasons of fatigue when walking. The form did say I may need to be assessed by someone but then I thought well how can I make them understand that the fatigue is often cumulative and often worse as the day goes on and weak legs are debilitating even with the absence of pain. Before MS 18 months ago I was a normal reasonably fit 52 year old. Today I still look more or less the same, less muscle tone in my lower body, but inside I feel 30 years older some days. Your help and advice would be most welcome.

Regards Trev


I have a blue badge from Oldham MBC,

I qualified because I get the top rate for the mobility component of DLA.

I have copied the criteria below.

Who is it for?

You can apply for a Blue Badge if you are:

  • Blind

  • Receiving the higher rate of the Mobility component of Disability Living Allowance

  • Receiving a war pensioners’ mobility supplement

  • Permanent and substantially disabled, which makes walking impossible or very difficult. This needs to be assessed by an independent mobility assessor, unless eligibility is self evident.

  • Receiving a grant towards your own vehicle

  • Using a vehicle supplied by a government department

  • Unable to turn a steering wheel by hand

  • Parents of a disabled child


I suffer no pain, just a weak leg that prevents me walking. I have a blue badge because I cannot take more than two steps…no pain!

I would apply for the badge.

If you feel uncomfortable using the badge when you have a good day, then don’t use it.

if you’re having a bad day and you have the badge, then you can use it.

This is what I did when I first got my badge a few years ago. There were some days when I didn’t need the badge and didn’t use it, but then there were others where I most definitely did.

Now I need the badge everywhere I go.



The big thing on the BB application form is Ronin’s point 4 - difficulty walking.

If you have to stop and rest after just 10 metres, your local authority will usually grant a badge.
If you can manage 50 metres - forget it.
Like derek says, you don’t have to use it.
The one thing not on the form is any question relating to the need for more space to get in and out.
I need the space, but since I have trouble walking more than two paces, I don’t need to go into it.

You can download the application form from the 'net - print it off and try filling it in.



Put Blue Badge in the forum search as it comes up with quite a lot of information.

I posted this reply to someone asking about the assessment.

'Can’t help you with the assessment as I just filled in the form and just got sent one.

On the form I wrote down all my symptoms, pain tingling, foot drop etc.all my medical appointments, toe off fitting, bought automatic car for ease of driving. I live in a rural area no public transport, use shopmobility scooters to get round town, need an extra wide space so I can lift my left leg into the car, also it’s a progressive condition , or mine is’.

I think you should apply. But write everything down.

I’m about to fill the form in for a renewal.

Good luck, let us know how you got on.

Jen x


Hi Trev

Apply for a blue badge and as Derek suggests, just use it if you need to.

Having one sometimes makes the difference between me going out or not!!

Sue xx

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Thank you all for sharing your experiences and offering advice. I have now applied and will wait and see what happens. I did put lots of details regarding consultations, MRI’s etc. plus added some additional information about my symptoms.



Like you I was in two minds whether to apply. I felt quite fit and did suffer from fatigue at times. For the form I described myself at my worst which is what my doctor told me to do. I applied and it has made a huge difference. Go for it if you haven’t done so so already.

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Thank you fr your advice, I have now applied so will see what happens. At any rate I will appeal.


Can I just update this thread by saying I have been asked to see an occupational therapist with regards to my blue badge application. Can anyone offer any advise? My fatigue hits me harder on some days than others and even at different times of the day. I wonder how he or she will be able to appreciate this when I am asked to walk in front of her. It’s a daunting prospect and any advice would be appreciated. I am lucky enough to have a Neuro Physio nurse who will support me if asked by the OT but she doesn’t feel it appropriate to write a supporting letter before being invited to comment. Any help greatly appreciated.


Hello Trev

I was asked to attend a review after applying for my blue badge. On the day I was having a good day so I was able to walk the walk up and down the corridor without too much problem. I find I can walk short distances ok anyway and only feel the need to be near a wall so I can steady myself.

I then went into the interview room with the OT and she asked many questions which I answered as truthfully as possible, pointing out this was a good day and sometimes I was less able. I was thinking I would be unsuccessful with my application.

She finally asked me who did the shopping and I told her I did the ‘weekly’ shop (twice a week as I find it hard to lift the weight of the bags into the car boot). I said I wanted to keep doing it and keep my independence as long as possible and the only real difficulty I had was having to open the car door wide enough to get in and out.

This seemed to be the deciding factor and I was granted my blue badge. I only use it when necessary and try to be considerate to others who may need to limited disabled parking spaces more than me.



Thanks so much for your reply. I will endeavour to make my case by explaining how I am on my worst days despite how I may be on the day. I will let you know the outcome.


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Well done getting to the OC stage.

Not sure what sort of MS you have but tell them all the symptoms you’ve had.

I need to lift my left leg into the car so same as AngC need to open the door wide.

Hope it goes well, let us know.

Jen x

Thanks Jen, I have RRMS. My Neuro Physio says she will respond if they choose to contact her. She has done wonders to lift my mood. I didn’t know I had a touch of drop foot until I walked for her. I would often trip up and when I walk I am lifting my hip slightly to compensate which adds to my back ache which plagues me when I stand still or shop for any length of time. I used to tell my wife I had shoppers back :slight_smile: I now have insoles for my shoes and a little bungee type gadget I can strap round my ankle which then hooks onto the laces of my shoes which helps to lift my foot slightly when I walk. She really has done wonders for me.

I am going next Tuesday so will let you know how it went. Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond to my post. I love this forum x



Well I had my assessment by the occupational therapist and I would like to say what a lovely woman she was. Kind, compassionate and very patient. She could tell I was nervous and did all she could to make me feel at ease. Even the walk around the building she was attentive and didn’t rush me. Will wait and see but I am hopeful of a result.


I am pleased to say they called me today to say I had my blue badge. Wonderful news. I thanks everyone who offered advice on this subject.


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Brilliant news Trev. Enjoy your blue badge - it’s a real Godsend.

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Thank you, I have been told I am also entitled to a travel card which will also be a great help. Have also applied for PIP as advised by the OT who saw me about BB. Another lovely woman from the council called to say she will come round and help me fill it out. Just brilliant…


Glad you got your badge Trev well done.

Top tip - read the booklet carefully as it has lots of info where you can use it and also where you can’t.

Just be prepared for people stopping to watch you get out your car to see your disability when you’ve park in a disabled space. I usually find a cheerful smile and a wave as I get out with my stick sends them on their way. ha.

Have fun with the badge it can get you to all sorts of places.

Jen x

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