Is it just me or is this an MS problem as well. I can go for hours without getting the urge to pee at all, then it will come suddenly and I’ll wee huge amounts. Then I’ll go about 4 times in an hour, each time loads. Its like a dam, as soon as the dam is broken it goes on for hours. Most inconvenient!
Yes I’m afraid it is one of those MS things; know as ‘urgency’. It would be a good idea to take a sample to your GP in case you have an infection; treatable with anti biotics. Also drinking loads of water can be inconvenient but sometimes flushes the infection through the system. I have recently discovered cranberry juice it seems to have calmed my bladder down quite a bit, well Cranberry capsules from the health food shop are best as you need them to be sugar free if possible. You really need to speak with an MS nurse/your Gp or your continence nurse if you have one, as I have discovered that cranberry juice does not go with some other medicenes you may be taking. It would be a good idea to speak with your MS nurse about this anyway especial if it is becoming a problem.
Take care
I’ve been advised to cut out caffeine which has calmed my urinary symptoms no end. Hope this helps? Ophelia.xx
I have similar but almost feels like the original signals don’t get through. You know the ones that tell you that you need to pee soon but not immediately. Now I just get the ’ go now…do not hesitate or will be too late’ desperate one. Have not been too late…yet. I find that going to the loo at regular intervals through the day helps. Bit like potty training when the kids were small! Cut out caffeine…??? No way…can take my dignity but not my coffee!!!
l know caffiene can be an irritant to the bladder - but l must have a ‘proper’ coffee every morning. None of the instant type.
But the rest of the day l do drink Redbush Tea - which l have grown to love. lt is naturally caffiene free - and high in anti-oxydants. l do drink lots of water as well.
I always drink decaf tea, no coffee, and the occasional cola. Its being able to go hours without needing to go and then needing to go frequently until I’m empty. Years ago I was told I did have some retention but its not been a major problem )(no infections for over 3 years), I’ve also had some problems with either really slow, or really fast bowels! I am just trying to collect the list of things that could well be attributed to MS to help my case for ill health retirement. Usually when asked about bladder and bowels I usually say “they have their moments”
Ive only just discovered if you rock back and forth the bladder signal can be initiated. Also if leaning forward when beginning to pee, it helps squeeze whats held behind out.
I was suffering bladder not emptying properly. Now I seem to be able to make it squeeze out every last drop (well thats the theory).
Hope you seek advice. My bladder at one point stopped altogether. Needed catheters.
All these ms symptoms are just to keep us on our toes (bums, hands etc).
Hi All Bladder problems really need to be seen to, as you can get medication which really helps.I agree with you Bren, I too have learned how to empty my bladder efficiently but it takes at least 10 mins. If you are referred to the hospital about your bladder they will test you and find out what sort of problem you have and try to help you sort it. Don’t leave it because you feel embarrassed as it may just keep getting worse. Teresa xx
I’ve done the rocking thing for years (probably since I was pregnant with my first). Thank god no one can see me!
Sounds like you ought to talk to your MS nurse, they understand these sort of problems. Everyone thinks rhey have their own wau that works, Eventually I had to go onto InterMittant Self catheteriusation. cos bladder muscles were not working properly. They use ultra sound to see if bladder empty and measure your flow… LDN will also help to ake life easier
I have used both LDN (since Jan) ands ISC (4+ years and take it for granted, live with it and get on with life.
Good luck anyway
I’ve just started Tysabri so all other meds are excluded. My GP is even averse to given me any hardcore stuff for my bones that have suffered due to the steroids over the years. I can live with it, its just frustrating, especially when out and about. I really don’t “get” my MS nurse yet, we are in a new relationship. So far everything that I have come up with has fallen on deaf ears, I see him once a month at my Tysabri appointments but hate discussing everything in the crowded room (nearly died when he started asking me about contraception in front of everyone)
[quote=“Julesak”] I have similar but almost feels like the original signals don’t get through. You know the ones that tell you that you need to pee soon but not immediately. Now I just get the ’ go now…do not hesitate or will be too late’ desperate one. Have not been too late…yet. I find that going to the loo at regular intervals through the day helps. Bit like potty training when the kids were small! Cut out caffeine…??? No way…can take my dignity but not my coffee!!! [/quote] This sounds like me! I have been in a position where I have not made it in time which is extremely embarrassing when a big wet patch appears on your jeans and your kids have to walk in front of you to hide it on the way back to the car!!!