Hello all, can anyone give me a little advice? I am currently 6 was into a major relapse and feeling really crappy especially now that I’ve been signed off work and don’t seem to be getting any better! This is my first severe relapse its horrible! Anyway, I seem to have urgency and frequency for needing a wee along with not totally being able to feel when I need to open my bowels as the left hand side of me is very numb at the moment. My ms nurse is referring me to the bladder and bowel specialists but what sort of things can I expect them to do/ suggest? Also, is there anything else my ms nurse could recommend of give me to speed up my recovery of this relapse - I’ve had a course of steroids but haven’t seen any results, I am also taking Rebif but have just completed my titration stage! Any advice would be fab, liana x
I can totally empathise. I’m 12 weeks in and also no effects from steroids. The best advice I’ve been given is, be patient, take it easy and allow it to run its course which it undoubtably will!!! I used to be really impatient and wanted rid, like yesterday, but the stress of thinking like that makes it harder to beat back. Also my gp recommended CBT to learn to deal with it better and have researched into it, I have to say it seems to have a very positive effect on the majority of patients.
Hi - yes me too for bladder and bowel problems. I found it embarrassing going to continence clinic . However nurses were lovely and I wasn’t telling them anything that they hadn’t heard before. For my bladder you will probably have a bladder scan. This is where I had a drink and was then told to go wee. They then pass a painless scanner over your tummy to find out how much urine is left in your bladder. I believe if its over 100 mls then it’s an ineffective emptying problem. If this is the case you might be started on tablets - I tried lots before finding the right one. Also what I suggest you do in preparation for your appointment is to keep a wee chart. I kept a record of how often I weed and the volume by weeing into a cheap plastic measuring jug - sounds yuk but will probably help the nurses/doctors. Also a tablet called desmopressin is my magic tablet as has stopped me getting up at night to wee - on average was up 4 times - yawn. This tablet is mentioned in the NICE guidelines for MS so if this is one of your problems have a look. Bowels - my current worst problem. Currently keep a bowel chart with Bristol Stool Scale and frequency Supportive hugs Min xx
Hi liana, Forgot to say earlier… As you’ll see on my other posts, I have been taking a cocktail of supplements, as recommended by my ms nurse and I really think they’ve helped.