Bell Palsy linked to virus or MS?

Hi everyone,

It has been quite a long time since I did not come here, as it has been fairly silent from a symptomatic level on my side, and all of my tests in the past (MRIs and others) said no to MS…

However, last week, I had for one entire week a really big headache that lasted 24/24 on the right side of my head, and this was accompanied by some deep pain in the right ear (ear inflammation)… it started initially with what felt like a little annoyance (like when you have a cold) in the throat… Anyway, I went to the emergency as recommended by my doctor in order to rule out a meningitis or some other type of brain infections/viral attacks. The meningitis was ruled out, and my blood tests came back normal, even though I had two big glands in the right side of my neck, suggesting that maybe a viral infection was at play. Both my doctors, after examining me, said that I was having a virus that attacked me quite strangely, but it was just a virus (my girlfriend had one at the same time, with different symptoms though).

Anyway, to come back what is happening now, I noticed (as well as my colleagues and girl friend) today that my right eye never really closes itself, which makes me look like double-face in batman in some strange ways… I already noticed yesterday that my lower right lip could not perform normal movements either, like smiling symmetrically, laughing without it looking awkward, or eating with a completely full normal mouth. Basically, to me it is quite clear that I am experiencing some type of milf face paralysis on the right side…

After looking on Internet, Bell Palsy immediately came up, and apparently it often follows or come with a virus that really sounds like what I had (even though there is a myriad of viruses that can cause Bell Palsy, I know), and it is self-limited… in my case, the presence of an ear inflammation (as the doctor noticed) and of glands in the neck, plus this weird headache for 7 days that eventually completely went away, plus a tiredness that generally comes with flu-likes illnesses, somehow suggest that I had a virus and now my nerve in the jaw became inflamed…

What do you think are the chances that this is another symptom of a potential MS? If you check back my older posts, you will see that in the past, I already experienced some bizarre neurological issues…

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and good evening to everybody.

Blue Marble

Hi Blue, So in short… as said by my neuro ’ a nuclear lesion (i.e in the CNS) can mimic bells palsy. The reason I know this information is because I have an Identical twin, and when I was diagnosed last month I brought my brother up and explained he had ‘bells palsy’ within the last 12 months and I asked his opinion if he should get checked. An identical twin has a 25% chance of having MS if the other has it. His answer was ‘it would be reasonable to have a spinal and brain MRI to just check’. Kind regards, Rich

I was diagnosed with PPMS is 2011. I developed Bell’s Palsy at the beginning of the year. I had a severe headache the day before it started followed by not being able to drink properly without spilling. The paralysis got worse over the next couple of days.

I got in touch with my MS nurse as I was concerned it was to do with my MS (and possibly indicated a relapse which I’m not supposed to have) My neurologist saw me the next day. He said that as I had a pain behind my ear and had lost the sense of taste it was unlikely to be related to MS.

As I’d had Bell’s a couple of years ago and had 3 months of double vision last year he is sending me for brain and spine MRI .

Six weeks on taste is back to normal, no pain and my face is getting back to normal.
