Numbness and tingling in left leg. Left cheek numbness. Right arm weakness. Fatigued. Extreme blurry vision. Hand tremors and muscle twitching. I saw a neurologist yesterday who said he thinks it is MS (blood work is all normal so rules out vitamin deficiencies). I’m curious how accurate that assumption can be without any tests. Did your doctor assume it was MS before the diagnosis came (through an MRI/ spinal). I’m trying to stay positive but am feeling quite scared and anxious during this wait.
Neurologists often put people in the possible/probable MS camp before getting sufficient evidence for a definite diagnosis; as more things are ruled out, the more probable it becomes until they can say “Definitely MS”.
Have you had MRI/Lumbar Puncture yet?
For now, there are medications/therapies that can help with the symptoms you have, and (I know I bang on about it) a Vitamin D3 supplement might also be useful, I find it particularly helpful for brain-fog and fatigue, still feel tired but without the fogginess that comes with it - half the battle won.
Looking back 20+ years, I reckon the neurologist guessed right away, became confident as that first relapse receded and was all but sure when the next relapse arrived. This was even before I had had my first MRI and later the LP than confirmed the diagnosis. Until the LP result, he didn’t actually say that he thought it was MS until he was 100% sure, but he knew that I thought it was, so he knew I was already prepared for that outcomes and it wouldn’t come as a bolt from the blue.
I did wonder if he would say that before my visit but I thought that my mind was just going to worst case scenarios. I felt somewhat shocked when he said that even though it crossed my mind. I did have an EMG but he immediately said I needed an MRI after having me list my symptoms and issues. He’s having me go about two hours away from where I live as he says it’s something we need done ASAP which sat uneasy on my mind
I haven’t yet. He is having me go about two hours from my city of residence because he wants it done ASAP and doesn’t feel we can wait the months it’s taking at hospitals nearby. I am really hoping that he is wrong when he said he thinks that MS is the cause of my issues. I guess I wondered if most people had a doctor “assume” that’s what it was and were ultimately correct in their assumption
Such a scary time waiting. Thanks for your input/advice. I do appreciate it
Good that he has refered you to a place with a shorter waiting list for MRI scans. Seems he is one who is aware that long waits for tests and diagnosis are psychologically difficult.