Been to neuro Physio today...

Hi, Just wanted to let you all know that I went to see a neuro specialist Physio today. I wasn’t referred by the NHS, I just wanted to get an opinion which was “official” as to what is wrong with me, that I could use to help me explain, so. I paid £40 to see her privately. I know there is something wrong with my left foot and that there has been for a long time. Anyhow, she assessed me really thoroughly, and has found hyperactive reflexes on the side I have been complaining about and also weakness in the muscle down the front of my leg which pulls up the front of your foot. (None of which surprised me!) also she has found that I have diminished sensation around my left knee and around my right ankle (I had no idea!). The great thing is that she is going to write a letter to the neuro (who I see next Friday) and send it to me too to take with me. She also says she knows him well and works with him, and told me that with my symptoms he will take me seriously, and seriously seek the cause. I feel it really backs up what I have been saying and it makes me feel more confident about the appointment. On the downside she would like me to get a diagnosis before treating me, so no further help. I just wanted to let you all know about my experience in case it may be helpful to others experiencing confusing sensations/symptoms. Leah :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing this. Neurophysios are pretty rare, but very useful - they understand neuro stuff in a way that normal physios who have not had that specialist experience and training just don’t. On the recommendation of someone on here, I booked myself in for a few sessions with the neurophysio attached to our local physio clinic last year to get some help with making the most of my mobility. The exercises that she gave me have definitely made me feel more stable, which is progress. Alison