Bad headaches

Hello everyone - this is my first post here on the MS society. I was diagnosed with Chronic Vestibular migraine about 6 years ago. I suffer with these dizzy/motion sickness/ headaches for years and am now taking Amitriptyline 60mg which has been very good for me in the last 18months. 6 weeks ago today I came down with a bad migraine relapse in which I was completely incapacitated, bed ridden… even now 6 weeks on I still haven’t left the house. I have been prescribed Prednisolone to try and get a control of this bad relapse. I am also trying to follow a migraine diet and the low FODMAP diet. These breakthroughs still do occur with stress, diet, lifestyle choices and I think seen as though I can only go by my own experience they seem to be related to inflammation. Inflammation = MS flare and bad incapacitating migraine ( for me at least)