Newbie: For the past 2 years I’ve been suffering from numbness, muscle spasms, vision problems, bowel and urinary problems, fatigue, and pain in lower limbs with periodical balance problems, and memory problems. As you can imagine I kept going to my GP with these maladies and he kept brushing me off with BS reasonings for my problems such as weigh and stress etc etc. Eventually, I had had enough so I would go about changing my GP while also asking him could he allow me to see a Neuro to which he agreed. I’ve had one appointment with this Neuro. He presumed that I had diabetic neuropathy, as I am also diabetic 2 with diet control while all my diabetic bloods have been normal since this dx. This neuro would then send me for tests to see if my outer nerves were someway damaged, to prove his theory; they were not.
My problem today, is that last week my GP phoned me to say that blood tests had come back to say that I had been dx B12 deficiency, and I was to come to the surgery for a B12 injection which to be honest has not helped though I have more injections weekly for the next 3 weeks then every 3 months yet to come. He also mentioned that I may have Pernicous Anaemia???
Well to say that I am confused is an understatement. Many MS patients apparently have B12 deficiency while some medical specialists out there believe that MS and B12 deficiency have a very, very, close relationship.
Example; Trials of MS sufferers.---- Kocer B Enqur S. AK F Yilmaz
‘Patients with MS who had prolonged VEP and posterier tibial SEP P1 and P2 latiences also had lower vitamin B12 levels compared to patients with normal latiences. Thus we found a significant relationship between MS and vitamin B12 deficiency and also demonstrated a relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency VEP and posterior tibial SEP in MS’.
I will be seeing my Neuro in 2 weeks for my second appointment and as a consequence of my B12 deficiency could any-one kindly inform me if this neuro will ask for me to have further tests to rule out MS? If not should I insist on this? Furthermore If it turns out that is not MS, will the nerve damage that I have suffered over the past 2 years, be permanent due to my apparent lack of B12?
Thank You in advance as I would be very grateful for some answers to my queries as I am also overly stressed due to my confusional issues and need for answers.