Aubagio - Teriflunomide

Hello !!! :slight_smile:

I hope you are having a good day.

I started Aubagio like 2 and a half/ 3 months and since starting i’m always sick !! Like always.

I’ve had headaches, diarrhoea, multiple sore throats, fatigue ect.

Have you had the same problem ? I find it annoying to be always sick ! :frowning:

Best regards,


No personal experience, but these appear to be known side effects.

" Common side effects of treatment include headaches, feeling sick, diarrhoea and hair thinning which can occur during the first few months of treatment but generally improve in following months. Increased blood levels of liver enzymes can also occur."

Aubagio (teriflunomide) | MS Trust

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Hello. I’ve been on Teriflunomide since 2023. I feel fortunate that I’ve not experienced any negative side effects and at the moment feel fit and healthy. If you are struggling with this medication, I would let your MS nurse know and maybe you can try another drug? Sending you best wishes.